
chapter 8

8.1 Why do we need a timer?
The timer finds several purposes in electronics design, you can check them out on wikipedia. Brainio uses the timer to count delay in micro seconds or millis. Electronics designs which require performing certain tasks or triggering a certain interrupt or signal at a given time would crtainly need a timer. A timer is also a counter. There is a correlation between a timer and a counter which would be described next.

8.2 Relationship between a timer and a counter.
A timer is used to measure time intervals while a counter measures the number of time a particular event occurred. This is similar to the difference between time and frequency.t = 1/f. Electronics circuits do not have time measuring device or a clock that ticks rather they are controlled using a frequency generator measured in hertz. Therefore, to generate a particular time or to delay for a given number of seconds e.g 5seconds, 4milliseconds, 10microseconds etc. The device will have to convert this time to frequency and then using a counter it can measure the generated frequency in relation to the frequency of the synchronized circuit
Example: Given a circuit with a clock frequency of 16Khz
To count 10 seconds :
First is to convert the time to frequency = 1/10 = 0.1Hz
divide the generated frequency with the circuit frequency
16Khz / 0.1Hz = 160,000 counts.
Therefore, to generate 10seconds, a counter will have to count upto 160,000

8.3 The Pinout.
The timer unit has only output which is the TON. This turns 'on' to indicate that the counter is actually counting, if it is a delay count, this signal turns on and prevents the program counter from incrementing. At the input, we have the timer_cs signal. This signal is the timer chip select and is used to turn on the timer unit and also select what type of timer to use. The timer_datain contains the timer data which consists of the number of counts to make.

8.4 The Timer.
The timer operates two modes: Up counter and down counter. This is controlled by the timer_cs signal. The timer_cs signal is a two-bit signal which turns on the timer unit and also selects whether a up conter or down counter. If the up count is selected, then the counter register counts from zero to the value in the timer_datain. If a down count is selected, then the counter register counts down from the value in the timer_datain down to one.

The table above shows how the timer chip select bits are implemented. The timer turns on only when bit1 is high or when the timer_cs is greater than two. Then if the bit0 is equal to zero or low, then an up count is selected while if it is high then a down count is selected. The timer has four internal registers: The counter register, the timer_data_in register, the up_count register and the down_count register. The timer_data_in register stores the value in the timer_data_in signal. During the Up counter mode, the counter register counts from zero to the value in the timer_data_in register. The up_count register is set to one throughout this period and the TON signal is ON, indicating a count is taking place. When the counter register equals the timer_data_in register the up_count register resets. During the Down counter mode, the counter register counts from the value in the timer_data_in register down to zero. The down_count register is set to one throughout this period and the TON signal is ON, indicating a count is taking place. When the counter register equals to one or zero the down_count register resets.

8.5 The Timer.vhd
First, we would introduce the title.
Next the IEEE; standard library.
The ports listed above, is introduced.
The signals below, will be used in the circuit. They would be introduced down in the circuit.
We would use two types of counter. The up counter and the down counter. To use the up counter , the counter_reg (counter register) counts from zero to the value in the datain_reg (data_in register). At this point, the up_compare signal comes on. To use the down counter , the counter_reg (counter register) counts from the value in the datain_reg (data_in register) down to one. At this point, the down_compare signal comes on. When the up counter is selected the upcount_select is turned ‘on’ and if the down counter is selected the downcount_select is turned on. The up_count signal is used to make sure that the up count is selected when the up_compare signal is turned ‘on’, while the down_count signal is used to make sure that the down count is selected when the down_compare signal is turned ‘on’. The up_down_count signal checks if either the up_count or down_count.
For every clock cycle, the timer_cs (timer chip select) is a 2-bit signal used to control the timer unit. Bit1 is used to turn on the timer unit, when this bit is high the datain_reg loads the data in the timer_data_in. This data is used for the up count and down count. If bit0 of timer_cs is low, then the up count is selected. At this point, the upcount_select is set to ‘1’ and the counter_reg is set to zero to be able to count upwards. If bit0 of timer_cs is high, then the down count is selected. At this point, the downcount_select is set to ‘1’ and the counter_reg is set to the value in the timer_data_in, from this value it counts down.
When the up count or down count is complete that is, when the counter register counts up to datain_reg or when the counter register counts down from the datain_reg down to one. The up_down_count is turned on and tat this point the upcount_select and the downcount_select are reset to zero. If the downcount_select is high,then the counter register is decrementing while if the upcount_select is high then the counter register is incrementing.
The main output signal of the timer unit is the TON. This is ‘on’ when the counter register is counting for the up count or for the down count.

8.6 The Timer.h
The timer_datain register is in the register unit, and this register holds the timer data. So, let us include register.h.
Next, let us create the timer struct called timer t_data. This struct will consist of only the timer ouput called TON, this signal is only high when the timer unit is counting.
The timer unit has only one function which is used to set the timer. This function is called timer_set and it takes only one argument which is the timer chip select.

8.7 The Timer.c
We start by including the 'timer.h'. Then we introduce some variables or signals which i would explain later.
if the timer_cs is greater than one, that is when it is either ‘10’ or ‘11’ in binary or when bit1 is equal to '1' in binary then the timer unit comes on. At this point, the timer_reg (timer register) takes the value of the TIMER_DATA in the register struct called reg_data.
if bit0 of the timer_cs is low, that is when the timer chipselect is ‘10’. Then the up counter is selected and the up_count signal is set to ‘1’. The counter register is also set to zero. Consequently, if bit0 of the timer_cs is high, that is when the timer chipselect is ‘11’. Then the down counter is selected and the down_count signal is set to ‘1’. The counter register is also set to the value in the timer register.
During an up count. The up_count signal is high. While this signal is high, the counter register starts incrementing, and the TON is set high until the counter register equals the value in the timer register. At this point, the up_count signal is set to zero, the counter register and the TON signal are both set to zero.
During a down count. The down_count signal is high. While this signal is high, the counter register starts decrementing from the value in the timer register towards one, and the TON is set high until the counter register equals the value ‘1’. At this point, the down_count signal is set to zero, the counter register and the TON signal are both set to zero.

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