
chapter 9

9.1 Why do we need a databus?
Different models require different architecture. example when designing an MIPS it usually consists of moving data from one stage to another and would most times require the fetch unit, decode unit, execute unit, store unit, register unit etc. they do not require a central control. When designing the control/datapath model, it would usually have two parts the datapath which is the unit where data is allowed and the control unit consisting of hardwired controls and might have a ROM. Our design consists of numerous sub units which are not linked directly, rather they input and output assemble together at a particular unit called the Databus. This unit would usually consist of multiple multiplexers or a huge selector multiplexer. They would have a control which selects where each input goes to, in our case the control is the instruction. So the databus unites the seperate sub units together.

9.2 The Pinouts.
This unit has two major outputs that goes to different parts of the sub unit; they are the regA and the mult_out. Each of them have a particular selector which selects which of the inputs to use as outputs: for the regA the selector is regA_sel while for the mult_out the selector is mult_sel. These inputs includes both input and outputs from different units. The table below shows where each input is generated from and what select bits are required to select them.
Select Data Source select bit
data Output from the program memory 0000
timer_data_in input to timer unit 0001
io_data_in input to I/O unit (write pin) 0010
lifo_in input to LIFO unit 0011
fifo_in input to FIFO unit 0100
ioREAD input to I/O unit (read pin) 0101
program_couter Input to the Program memory 0110
io_out Data output from I/O unit 0111
alu_out Output from the ALU register 1000
fifo_out Output from the FIFO unit 1001
lifo_out Output from the LIFO unit 1010

9.3 The schematic.
The schematic below shows two seperate multiplexers for the two different outputs of the databus. As can be seen, both multiplexers share thesame inputs which are positioned at thesame positions. What this means, is that if both multiplexer share thesame select bit, they produce thesame output. The inputs are the same as shown above. The unlabelled inputs will be tied to zero since they are connected anywhere. In later version of brainio we might make use of them. The instruction can produce different values for their select bits thereby giving different outputs.

9.4 databus.vhd
Let us introduce the title.
Include the IEEE; standard library
The ports are given in the diagram above
The databus has two main output or multiplexer output. One is the DATAOUT1. The data_sel signal is used to select the DATAOUT1 output. The databus receives its input from all the sub units and using its data selector which comes from the instruction, decides which of them to set as output and which sub unit to send it.
The next output is the regA. The regA_sel signal is used to select the regA output. Both the DATAOUT1 and the regA share the same set of inputs but their data selectors are different.

9.5 databus.h
The databus consist of two 4-bit select multiplexer which receives input from all the sub units and gives two outputs. Since it receives input from all the subunit we would include all the sub unit header files.
The databus gives two outputs called: regA and MULT_OUT. We would use an enum called output_select to select the particular output we need.
We would another enum called databusOp which would consist of all the inputs to the databus: TIMER_DATA_IN, IO_DATA_IN, LIFO_IN, FIFO_IN, IOREAD, PROGRAM_COUNTER, INTERRUPTS are all registers in the register unit. IO_OUT, FIFO_OUT, LIFO_OUT, ALU_OUT are all outputs from different subunits. DATA is from the instructions.
Next we define the databus struct called dbus databus data which consists of the two databus output namely; MULTOUT and regA.
The databus unit has two main functions: the bus_set and set_dataregister. The bus_set is used to select the output of this unit and consists of two arguments. The databusOp sel which is used to select the particular input and the output_select outsell which is used to select which output to use , whether it is regA or MULT_OUT. Two types of instructions are available in brainio. The executable instruction and data. When the decode unit decodes an instruction and finds out that it is not an executable instruction but a data, it will set this function which takes the data instruction as its argument. This function will then set the data register or DATA (also one of the inputs of the databus) to the value of the instruction.

9.6 databus.c
We start by including the databus header file. Then two variables: the bus_output this will store the output of the databus. data_register, which will store the data instruction.
The set_dataregister, will set the data_register as the value of the instruction.
The bus_set switches the sel and depending on the value will set the bus_output as one of the inputs.
After setting the bus_output, depending on the value of the outsel , one of the outputs of the databus will be set to the bus_output.

TIMER Register