☰ Table of Content
WalkAlong: 1
Home Page
Why brainIO?
1.2 Features
1.3 Pinout
1.4 Sub systems
2. ALU
2.1 Why do we need this?
2.3 Alu Operations
2.4 ALU.vhd
2.5 common.h
2.6 alumath.h
2.7 alumath.c
3. Program Memory
3.1 Why do we need this?
3.2 Program Memory
3.3 Pinouts
3.4 program_memory.vhd
3.5 program_memory.h
3.6 program_memory.c
4. split_bit()
4.1 Why do we need this?
4.2 splitbit.h
4.3 splitbit.c
5. Data Memory
5.1 Why do we need this?
5.2 The pinout
5.3 The Schematic
5.4 datamemory.vhd
5.5 datamemory.h
5.6 datamemory.c
6. Cache
6.1 Why do we need this?
6.2 The Fifo
6.3 The PINOUT
6.6 FIFO.vhd
6.6 FIFO.h
6.6 FIFO.c
6.7 The UART fifo Cache
6.8 cache.vhd
7. The Stack
7.1 Why do we need this?
7.2 The Schematic
7.3 The Pinouts
7.4 LIFO vs FIFO
7.5 LIFO.vhd
7.6 LIFO.h
7.7 LIFO.c
8. The Timer
8.1 Why do we need this?
8.2 Relationship between a timer and a counter
8.3 The Pinout
8.4 The Timer
8.5 The Timer.vhd
8.6 The Timer.h
8.7 The Timer.c
9. The Databus
9.1 Why do we need this?
9.2 The Pinouts
9.3 The schematic
9.4 databus.vhd
9.5 databus.h
9.6 databus.c
10. The Registers
10.1 Why do we need this?
10.2 The register unit
10.3 The Pinout
10.4 register.vhd
10.5 register.h
10.6 register.c
11. The IO port
11.1 Why do we need this?
11.2 The IO port
11.3 The Pinout
11.4 Write Operation
11.5 Read operation
11.6 ioport.vhd
11.7 ioport.h
11.8 ioport.c
12. The Decode unit
12.1 Why do we need this?
12.2 The Instruction set
12.3 Data instruction
12.4 Alu Instruction
12.5 Control
12.6 Memory write
12.7 Register write
12.8 Execute
12.9 The Pinouts
12.10 decode.vhd
12.11 decode.h
12.12 decode.c
13. Tokenizer
13.1 Opening and closing the program file
13.2 Defining list of acceptable tokens
13.3 Scanning
13.4 end_of_file()
13.5 Skipwhitespace
13.6 isNum()
13.7 isAlphabet()
13.8 keywordToken()
13.9 checkKeyword()
13.10 charToken()
13.11 generateToken()
13.12 writeToFile()
13.14 makeToken()
14. compiler
14.1 class tokenClass{ }
14.2 class identifierClass{ }
14.3 class funcList{ }
14.4 class lVlist{ }
14.5 class gVlist{ }
14.6 class argumentList{ }
14.7 class symbolTable{ }
14.8 sendToparser()
14.9 symbolTable::insertIdentifier()
14.10 symbolTable::insert()
14.11 expect()
14.12 error()
14.13 run(int count)
14.14 addFunction()
14.15 addArgument()
14.16 Introduce()
14.17 terminates()
14.18 Body()
14.19tokenVar(int count)
14.20Tenary(int count)
14.21ifStatement(int counter)
14.22whileLoop(int count)
14.23forLoop(int count)
14.24ret(int count)
14.25 continueFunc(int count)
14.26 sw(int count)
14.27 caSeS(int count)
14.28 swBreak(int count)
14.29 nBreak(int count)
14.30 rightBrace(int count)
14.31coutVar(int count)
14.32 addExpressList()
14.33 addTokentable()
14.34funcExp(int count)
14.35 checkIdentifier(int index)
14.36 Expression()
14.37 readExpressList(int index,indexEnd)
14.38checkBang(int index,indexEnd)
14.39countBang(int index)
14.40 changeSign(int i)
14.41checkLand(int index,indexEnd)
14.42countAnd(int index)
14.43checkLor(int index,indexEnd)
14.44countSignO(int index,countR)
14.45 call(token1, token2, token3, i)
14.46 call(token1, token2, index)