AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)

10.0 Rounds

Series of steps are repeated within the AES algorithm and are referred to as the round function We can see the red text “ROUND FUNCTION” in the flow chart of AES below, which grouped several functions. And round is simply group of functions, algorithm. And we can say executing 10 rounds as executing 10 times of grouped algorithm. Basically for 128-bit length key, AES takes 10 rounds, 192-bit key for 12 rounds and 256-bit key for 14 rounds.

The round subcircuit combines all the different subcircuits that makes up one round together for execution. They are then executed as one module for every round of execution.

`timescale 1 ns/1 ps

 module Round
 parameter DATA_W = 128            //data width
 input clk,                        //system clock
 input reset,                      //asynch active low reset
 input data_valid_in,              //data valid signal
 input key_valid_in,               //key valid signal
 input [DATA_W-1:0] data_in,       //input data
 input [DATA_W-1:0] round_key,     //round  key
 output  valid_out,                //output valid signal
 output  [DATA_W-1:0] data_out     //output data
                                  //wires for connection 
 wire [DATA_W-1:0] data_sub2shift;
 wire [DATA_W-1:0] data_shift2mix;
 wire [DATA_W-1:0] data_mix2key;

 wire valid_sub2shift;
 wire valid_shift2mix;
 wire valid_mix2key;

 SubBytes #(DATA_W) U_SUB (clk,reset,data_valid_in,data_in,valid_sub2shift,data_sub2shift);

 ShiftRows #(DATA_W) U_SH (clk,reset,valid_sub2shift,data_sub2shift,valid_shift2mix,data_shift2mix);

 MixColumns #(DATA_W) U_MIX (clk,reset,valid_shift2mix,data_shift2mix,valid_mix2key,data_mix2key);

 AddRoundKey #(DATA_W) U_KEY (clk,reset,valid_mix2key,key_valid_in,data_mix2key,round_key,valid_out,data_out);
