FM Receiver

In this chapter we are going to design a digital FM receiver circuit, assuming the Frequency Modulated signal is converted to series of numerical values (digital signal) via Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) circuit. CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER Nursani Rahmatullah(Institute of technology Bandung).

  • The attributes notation , which is used in Signal Processing Workbench, is explained here.
  • For example If the signal attribute is <8,2,t>, then the signal is as follows,
  • 8: signal width is 8 bit
  • 2: integer part is 2 bits
  • t: two's complement number, then the MSB bit of the signal is sign bit.
  • For example, "01101111" with attribute <8,2,t> is as follows.

The design of the Digital FM Receiver circuit in this project uses Phase Locked Loop (PLL) as the main core. The task of the PLL is to maintain coherence between the input (modulated) signal frequency, ωi and the respective output frequency, ωo via phase comparison. This self-correcting ability of the system also allows the PLL to track the frequency changes of the input signal once it is locked. Frequency modulated input signal is assumed as a series of numerical values (digital signal) via 8-bit of analog to digital conversion (ADC) circuit. The FM Receiver gets the 8 bits signal every clock cycle and outputs the demodulated signal.

Phase Detector (PD) detects phase error between input signal and output signal from NCO(Numerical controlled Oscillator we discuss this later section). This operation employs a multiplier module as shown below. The input signal is frequency modulated, so the input signal Vi(n) can be expressed as follows:

Vi(n) = sin( ωi(n)+ θi)

Feedback loop mechanism of the PLL will force NCO to generate sinusoidal signal Vo(n) with the same frequency of Vi(n), then:

Vo(n) = cos(ωi(n) + θo)

Output of phase detector is product of these two signals, using familiar trigonometric identity we obtain:

Vd(n) =Kdsin(ωi(n) + θi) cos(ωi(n) + θo)
Kd/2[sin(2ωin + θi+ θo) + sin( θi - θo)]

Kd is the gain of the phase detector. The first term corresponds to high frequency component. The second term corresponds to the phase difference between Vi(n) and Vo(n) . By removing the first term thru loop filtering, the phase difference can be obtained.

In the VHDL model, we use Booth’s Multiplication algorithm for the multiplier instead of simple signed arithmetic multiplier operation (denoted by ∗ ). Arithmetic multiplier will consume large area, while Booth’s multiplication algorithm for 8-bit multiplication only needs eight 8-bit adders which is much save in area consumption. The Booth’s Multiplication algorithm is discussed below.

A typical implementation of Booth's algorithm
Booth's algorithm can be implemented by repeatedly adding (with ordinary unsigned binary addition) one of two predetermined values A and S to a product P, then performing a rightward arithmetic shift on P. Let m and r be the multiplicand and multiplier, respectively; and let x and y represent the number of bits in m and r. The Booth's algorithm steps are given below.

1. Determine the values of A and S, and the initial value of P. All of these numbers should have a length equal to (x + y + 1).

  • A: Fill the most significant (leftmost) bits with the value of m. Fill the remaining (y + 1) bits with zeros.
  • S: Fill the most significant bits with the value of (−m) in two's complement notation. Fill the remaining (y + 1) bits with zeros.
  • P: Fill the most significant x bits with zeros. To the right of this, append the value of r. Fill the least significant (rightmost) bit with a zero.

2. Determine the two least significant (rightmost) bits of P.

  • If they are 01, find the value of P + A. Ignore any overflow.
  • If they are 10, find the value of P + S. Ignore any overflow.
  • If they are 00, do nothing. Use P directly in the next step.
  • If they are 11, do nothing. Use P directly in the next step.

3. Arithmetically shift the value obtained in the 2nd step by a single place to the right. Let P now equal this new value.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until they have been done y times.

5. Drop the least significant (rightmost) bit from P. This is the product of m and r.


Find 3 × (−4), with m = 3 and r = −4, and x = 4 and y = 4:

  • m = 0011, -m = 1101, r = 1100
  • A = 0011 0000 0
  • S = 1101 0000 0
  • P = 0000 1100 0

Perform the loop four times:
P = 0000 1100 0. The last two bits are 00.

  • P = 0000 0110 0. Arithmetic right shift.
  • P = 0000 0110 0. The last two bits are 00.
    • P = 0000 0011 0. Arithmetic right shift.
  • P = 0000 0011 0. The last two bits are 10.
    • P = 1101 0011 0. P = P + S.
      • P = 1110 1001 1. Arithmetic right shift.
    • P = 1110 1001 1. The last two bits are 11.
      • P = 1111 0100 1. Arithmetic right shift.
    The product is 1111 0100, which is −12.

    The above-mentioned technique is inadequate when the multiplicand is the most negative number that can be represented (e.g. if the multiplicand has 4 bits then this value is −8). One possible correction to this problem is to add one more bit to the left of A, S and P. This then follows the implementation described above, with modifications in determining the bits of A and S;

    e.g., the value of m, originally assigned to the first x bits of A, will be assigned to the first x+1 bits of A. Below, the improved technique is demonstrated by multiplying −8 by 2 using 4 bits for the multiplicand and the multiplier:

    • A = 1 1000 0000 0
    • S = 0 1000 0000 0
    • P = 0 0000 0010 0
    • Perform the loop four times:
    • P = 0 0000 0010 0. The last two bits are 00.
      • P = 0 0000 0001 0. Right shift.
    • P = 0 0000 0001 0. The last two bits are 10.
      • P = 0 1000 0001 0. P = P + S.
      • P = 0 0100 0000 1. Right shift.
    • P = 0 0100 0000 1. The last two bits are 01.
      • P = 1 1100 0000 1. P = P + A.
      • P = 1 1110 0000 0. Right shift.
    • P = 1 1110 0000 0. The last two bits are 00.
      • P = 1 1111 0000 0. Right shift.
    The product is 11110000 (after discarding the first and the last bit) which is −16.

    This previous example was edited from wiki, now this is our own implementation:
    consider y = 1101, x = 1011; where x*y = 10001111 = M. WATCH THE VIDEO FOR EXPLANATION

    Y X Description
    1 1-1-1-1-0-1-0-1 -X
    01 0-0-0-1-0-1-1 X
    10 1-1-0-1-0-1 -X
    11 0-0-0-0-0 0
    01 1-0-1-1 X
    sum total 1-0-0-0-1-1-1-1 => M

    LIBRARY ieee;
       USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
       USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
       ENTITY multiplier IS
       -- Declarations
       port (CLK   	: in  std_logic;
       			RESET 	: in  std_logic;
       			input1  	: in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
             input2  	: in  signed(7 downto 0);
             output  	: out signed(7 downto 0)
       END multiplier ;
       ARCHITECTURE behavior OF multiplier IS
       signal out_temp : signed(15 downto 0);
       signal input1_buf : signed(15 downto 0);
       signal part0, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7 : signed(15 downto 0);
       process(CLK, RESET)
           if (RESET='1') then
           	out_temp <= (others => '0');
       	  	output <= (others => '0');
       	  	input1_buf <= (others => '0');
       	  	part0 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part1 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part2 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part3 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part4 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part5 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part6 <= (others => '0');
       	  	part7 <= (others => '0');
       		elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
       			input1_buf <= input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&input1(7)&signed(input1);
       			if (input2(0)='1') then
       				part0 <= -(input1_buf);
       							part0 <= (others => '0');
       			end if;
       			if (input2(1)='1') then
       				if (input2(0)='1') then
       					part1 <= (others => '0');
       							part1 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(0)='1') then
       						part1 <= input1_buf;
       								part1 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(2)='1') then
       				if (input2(1)='1') then
       					part2 <= (others => '0');
       							part2 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(1)='1') then
       						part2 <= input1_buf;
       								part2 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(3)='1') then
       				if (input2(2)='1') then
       					part3 <= (others => '0');
       							part3 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(2)='1') then
       						part3 <= input1_buf;
       								part3 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(4)='1') then
       				if (input2(3)='1') then
       					part4 <= (others => '0');
       							part4 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(3)='1') then
       						part4 <= input1_buf;
       								part4 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(5)='1') then
       				if (input2(4)='1') then
       					part5 <= (others => '0');
       							part5 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(4)='1') then
       						part5 <= input1_buf;
       								part5 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(6)='1') then
       				if (input2(5)='1') then
       					part6 <= (others => '0');
       							part6 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(5)='1') then
       						part6 <= input1_buf;
       								part6 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       			if (input2(7)='1') then
       				if (input2(6)='1') then
       					part7 <= (others => '0');
       							part7 <= -(input1_buf);
       				end if;
       					if (input2(6)='1') then
       						part7 <= input1_buf;
       								part7 <= (others => '0');
       					end if;
       			end if;
       		out_temp <= part0+
       		(part1(14 downto 0)&'0')+
       		(part2(13 downto 0)&"00")+
       		(part3(12 downto 0)&"000")+
       		(part4(11 downto 0)&"0000")+
       		(part5(10 downto 0)&"00000")+
       		(part6(9 downto 0)&"000000")+
       		(part7(8 downto 0)&"0000000");
       		output <= out_temp(15 downto 8);
       end if;
       end process;
       END behavior;

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    John Doe
    02:29:25pm On 2024.10.01
    -1)) OR 306=(SELECT 306 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--.
    John Doe
    02:29:42pm On 2024.10.01
    65StaMwi OR 644=(SELECT 644 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--.
    John Doe
    02:30:16pm On 2024.10.01
    XoaSSAog ) OR 510=(SELECT 510 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--.
    John Doe
    02:31:03pm On 2024.10.01
    rDiRPMOj )) OR 639=(SELECT 639 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--.
    John Doe
    07:28:31pm On 2025.01.29
    John Doe
    09:46:58am On 2025.02.26
    Heya are using Wordpress for your site platform? I m neww to the blog world but I m trying to get started and create my own. Do you ned anny coiding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be greatly appreciated!