
6805 computer

8-bit FAST Microcontrollers Family
This 6805 SOC is an advanced 8-bit MCU IP Core with highly sophisticated, on chip peripheral capabilities. The 6805 soft core is binary-compatible with the industry standard Motorola 68HC05 8-bit microcontroller and can achieve a performance 45-100 million instructions per second. This 6805 Microcontroller Core contains a mini UART, two 8-bit timer, read-only memory (ROM), DoCDTM(DCD Hardware Debug System) and can also be equipped with the Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). .

In contrast to other on-chip debuggers the DoCD provides a non-intrusive debugging of running application. It can halt, run, step into or skip an instruction, read/write any contents of microcontroller including all registers, SFRs including user defined peripherals, data and program memories.


Note: A line over a signal name indicates an active low signal.

Pin Description

PIN Type Interface Description
Rxbit Input Mini-Uart RS-232 data input
Txbit Output Mini-Uart RS-232 data output
RTS_n Output Mini-Uart Request To Send (Active low)
CTS_n Input Mini-Uart Clear To Send (Active low)
Bus_ADDR Output External Bus Bus Address
Bus_DATA inout External Bus Bus Data
Bus_RW Output External Bus Bus READ/WRITE
Bus_CS Output External Bus Bus Chip select
Bus_CLK Output External Bus Clock
Timer_0 Output timer 8 bit timer
Timer_1 Output timer 8 bit timer
Sys_clk Input control unit System Clock input
Reset_nInputcontrol unit This active low pin is used to reset the MCU to a known startup state by pulling RESET low.
LED Output control unit Diagnostic LED Flasher
Bus_RESET Output External Bus Reset external bus
portA (7:0)Inout I/O port 8 software programmable I/O
portB (7:0)Inout I/O port 8 software programmable I/O
portC (7:0)Inout I/O port 8 software programmable I/O
portC (7:0)Inout I/O port 8 software programmable I/O

We will discuss each block as a separate topic including their Verilog code, simulation, testing and working .


The computer has two 8-bit, software-programmable counter. the timer0 is driven by a fixed divide-by-sixteen prescaler while timer1 is driven by a divide-by-sixty four prescaler . This timer can be used for many purposes, including input waveform measurements while simultaneously generating an output waveform. Pulse widths can vary from several microseconds to many seconds. The timer is set by turning on the timer chip select from the control unit, and updating the counter using data from the CPU. CPU_address 2:0 is used to select between timer1, timer0 and the timer control register. A value of zero selects the timer control register , a value of 2 selects timer1 and a value of 3 selects timer0. The key element in the programmable timer is a 24-bit, free-running counter or counter register, preceded by a prescaler that divides the internal processor clock by either 16 or 64 for timer0 and timer1 respectively. The counter is incremented during the low portion of the internal bus clock for timer0 and during the high portion of the internal bus clock for timer1. This gives the timer a resolution of 0.64nano seconds and 2.56nano seconds respectively. The operating system clock if assumed to be 25Mhz., The timer clocks will be operating at :

Timer0 = 25,000 / 16= 1.562 MHz
Timer1 = 25,000 / 64 = 390 Khz
So, assume you want a pulse every 100 microseconds, with 25MHz system clock .then:
1/10-4 = 0.0001secs
1/0.0001 = 10,000Hz = 10KHz
(1.562 X 10^6)/(10^4) = 1.562 X 10^2 = 156.2 =approx.. 1001 1100
So the timer data_in will be fed with 10011100, with cs bit enables ,
While RW will be disabled(i.e Write mode) and the address bit should be 010 for timer0.
So a different calculation should be made for timer1.

Pin description

Pin Port Interface Description
Data_out (7:0)OutputControl unitRegister of the selected timer input
ADDR Input CPU . Timer Address.
Tim0_out Output External Peripheral . Output of timer1
Tim1_out Output External Peripheral . Output of timer2.
IRQ_OUT Output CPU. Interrupt request which is bit1 of cpu_data_in when CPU address selected is timer control register .
Tim0_in Input Control unit Timer0 input
Tim1_in Input Control unit Timer1 input
Reset Input cpu_reset Reset
Clock Input cpu_clk clock
R/W Input CPU Read / Not Write
Timer_CS Input Control unit indicates the chip selected for cpu data is the timer.
Data_in(7:0) Input CPU Data Input from the CPU
library ieee;
                use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
                use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

                entity timer is
                	port (
                	 clk       : in  std_logic;
                    rst       : in  std_logic;
                    cs        : in  std_logic;
                    rw        : in  std_logic;
                    addr      : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
                    data_in   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                	 data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                	 irq_out   : out std_logic;
                	 tim0_in   : in  std_logic;
                	 tim0_out  : out std_logic;
                	 tim1_in   : in  std_logic;
                	 tim1_out  : out std_logic

                architecture timer_arch of timer is
                signal timer_ctrl_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                signal timer0_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                signal timer1_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                signal count0     : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                signal count1     : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

                -- write control registers
                -- doesn't do anything yet
                write_timer_control : process( clk, rst, cs, rw, addr, data_in, timer0_reg, timer1_reg, timer_ctrl_reg )
                  if clk'event and clk = '0' then
                    if cs = '1' and rw = '0' then
                	   case addr is
                	   when "000" =>
                		  timer_ctrl_reg <= data_in;
                		  timer0_reg <= timer0_reg;
                		  timer1_reg <= timer1_reg;
                      when "010" =>
                	     timer_ctrl_reg <= timer_ctrl_reg;
                		  timer0_reg <= data_in;
                		  timer1_reg <= timer1_reg;
                	   when "011" =>
                	     timer_ctrl_reg <= timer_ctrl_reg;
                		  timer0_reg <= timer0_reg;
                		  timer1_reg <= data_in;
                	   when others =>
                	     timer_ctrl_reg <= timer_ctrl_reg;
                		  timer0_reg <= timer0_reg;
                		  timer1_reg <= timer1_reg;
                		end case;
                	   timer_ctrl_reg <= timer_ctrl_reg;
                		timer0_reg <= timer0_reg;
                		timer1_reg <= timer1_reg;
                    end if;
                  end if;
                end process;

                read_timer_control : process( addr, timer_ctrl_reg, timer0_reg, timer1_reg, count0, count1 )
                  case addr is
                  when "000" =>
                    data_out <= timer_ctrl_reg;
                  when "010" =>
                    data_out <= timer0_reg;
                  when "011" =>
                    data_out <= timer1_reg;
                  when "110" =>
                    data_out <= count0;
                  when "111" =>
                    data_out <= count1;
                  when others =>
                    data_out <= "00000000";
                  end case;
                  irq_out <= timer_ctrl_reg(0);
                end process;

                -- counters

                my_counter: process( clk, rst, count0, count1, tim0_in, tim1_in )
                  if rst = '1' then
                	 count0 <= "00000000";
                  elsif tim0_in'event and tim0_in = '0' then
                	   if count0 = timer0_reg then
                		  count0 <= "00000000";
                	     count0 <= count0 + 1;
                		end if;
                  end if;

                  if rst = '1' then
                	 count1 <= "00000000";
                  elsif tim1_in'event and tim1_in = '1' then
                	   if count1 = timer1_reg then
                		  count1 <= "00000000";
                	     count1 <= count1 + 1;
                		end if;
                  end if;

                  tim0_out <= count0(7);
                  tim1_out <= count1(7);
                end process;

                end timer_arch;



The Mini-UART is an interface built into the 6805soc which allows several communication between the SOC and any RS-232 enabled device example your PC.It is capable of sending parallel data through a serial line.


The UART has a 8-bit status register that keeps record of Rx Status:

Bit description

The UART Control Register has 8 – bits indicating options for bit size, word format, Wether inclusion of parity or no parity.

RxIEnb bit

TxCtl bit

WdFmt bit => this bits is used for the configuration of the size and arrangement of bits to be transferred or received.

The UART consist of a receiver and a transmitter, which share a baud clock of 58 KBaud with BdCtl bit of 01 or 14KBaud for BdCtl bit of 10. With our 25MHz System clock, the UART clock counter has a divide by 21 counter .which divides the system clock by :

25,000,000 / 27 = 926,000 KBaud when BdCtl bit is 00.
926,000 / 16 = 58 KBaud when BdCtl bit is 01.
Baud Rate Generator Clock Prescaling

BdCtl bit

Pin Description

Pin Type Port Description
Reset. Input cpu_reset Reset input (active high)
Clock. Input cpu_clk System Clock
CS. Input control unit miniUART Chip Select
RW. Input CPU Read / Not Write
IRQ. Output CPU Interrupt
ADDR. Input CPU Register Select
Data_in. Input CPU Data Bus In
Data_out. Input Control unit Data Bus Out
RxC. Output Control unit Receive Baud Clock
TxC. Input Control unit Transmit Baud Clock
RxD. Input RS-232 Receive Data
TxD. Output RS-232 Transmit Data
DCD_n. Input Control Unit Data Carrier Detect (Active low)
CTS_n. Input RS-232 Clear To Send (Active low)
RTS_n. Output RS-232 Request To Send (Active low)

library ieee;
                                     use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
                                     use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

                                  -- Receive unit
                                  entity RxUnit is
                                    port (
                                       Clk    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
                                       Reset  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
                                       ReadD  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read data signal
                                       WdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- word format
                                       BdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- baud format
                                       RxClk  : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 clock input
                                       RxDat  : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data input
                                       FRErr  : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                       ORErr  : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                  	  PAErr  : out Std_logic;  -- Status signal
                                       DARdy  : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                       DAOut  : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)
                                  end; --================== End of entity ==============================--
                                  -- Architecture for receive Unit
                                  architecture Behaviour of RxUnit is
                                    -- Signals
                                    signal RxDebDel0  : Std_Logic;             -- Debounce Delayed Rx Data
                                    signal RxDebDel1  : Std_Logic;             -- Debounce Delayed Rx Data
                                    signal RxDebDel2  : Std_Logic;             -- Debounce Delayed Rx Data
                                    signal RxDebDel3  : Std_Logic;             -- Debounce Delayed Rx Data
                                    signal RxDeb      : Std_Logic;             -- Debounced Rx Data
                                    signal RxDatDel   : Std_Logic;             -- Delayed Rx Data
                                    signal RxDatEdge  : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Data Edge pulse
                                    signal RxClkDel   : Std_Logic;             -- Delayed Rx Input Clock
                                    signal RxClkEdge  : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Input Clock Edge pulse
                                    signal RxClkCnt   : Std_Logic_Vector(5 downto 0); -- Rx Baud Clock Counter
                                    signal RxBdClk    : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Baud Clock
                                    signal RxBdDel    : Std_Logic;             -- Delayed Rx Baud Clock
                                    signal RxBdEdge   : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Baud Clock Edge pulse
                                    signal RxStart    : Std_Logic;					-- Rx Start bit detected

                                    signal tmpDRdy    : Std_Logic;             -- Data Ready flag
                                    signal RxValid    : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Data Valid
                                    signal tmpRxVal   : Std_Logic;             -- Rx Data Valid
                                    signal outErr     : Std_Logic;             -- Over run error bit
                                    signal frameErr   : Std_Logic;             -- Framing error bit
                                    signal ParityErr  : Std_Logic;             -- Parity Error Bit
                                    signal RxParity   : Std_Logic;             -- Calculated RX parity bit
                                    signal RxState    : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0);  -- receive bit state
                                    signal ShtReg     : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);  -- Shift Register
                                    signal DataOut    : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);  -- Data Output register


                                    -- Receiver Data Debounce
                                    -- Input level must be stable for 4 Receive Clock cycles.
                                    rxunit_data_debounce : process(Clk, Reset, RxClkEdge, RxDat,
                                                                   RxDebDel0, RxDebDel1, RxDebDel2, RxDebDel3 )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   RxDebDel0 <= RxDat;
                                  	   RxDebDel1 <= RxDat;
                                  	   RxDebDel2 <= RxDat;
                                  	   RxDebDel3 <= RxDat;
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   if RxClkEdge = '1' then
                                  	     RxDebDel0  <= RxDat;
                                  	     RxDebDel1  <= RxDebDel0;
                                  	     RxDebDel2  <= RxDebDel1;
                                  	     RxDebDel3  <= RxDebDel2;
                                  		  if (RxDebDel3 or RxDebDel2 or RxDebDel1 or RxDebDel0) = '0' then
                                  		    RxDeb <= '0';
                                          elsif (RxDebDel3 and RxDebDel2 and RxDebDel1 and RxDebDel0) = '1' then
                                  		    RxDeb <= '1';
                                  		    RxDeb <= RxDeb;
                                          end if;
                                  	     RxDebDel0  <= RxDebDel0;
                                  	     RxDebDel1  <= RxDebDel1;
                                  	     RxDebDel2  <= RxDebDel2;
                                  	     RxDebDel3  <= RxDebDel3;
                                  		  RxDeb      <= RxDeb;
                                        end if;
                                  	 end if;
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Data Edge Detection
                                    -- A falling edge will produce a one clock cycle pulse
                                    rxunit_data_edge : process(Clk, Reset, RxDeb, RxDatDel )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   RxDatDel  <= RxDeb;
                                  		RxDatEdge <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   RxDatDel  <= RxDeb;
                                  		RxDatEdge <= RxDatDel and (not RxDeb);
                                  	 end if;
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Clock Edge Detection
                                    -- A rising edge will produce a one clock cycle pulse
                                    -- RxClock 
                                    rxunit_clock_edge : process(Clk, Reset, RxClk, RxClkDel )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   RxClkDel  <= RxClk;
                                  		RxClkEdge <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   RxClkDel  <= RxClk;
                                  		RxClkEdge <= RxClk and (not RxClkDel);
                                  	 end if;
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Clock Divider
                                    -- Reset the Rx Clock divider on any data edge
                                    -- Note that debounce data will be skewed by 4 clock cycles.
                                    -- Advance the count only on an input clock pulse
                                    rxunit_clock_divide : process(Clk, Reset, RxDatEdge, RxState, RxStart,
                                                                  RxClkEdge, RxClkCnt )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   RxClkCnt  <= "000000";
                                  		RxStart   <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then

                                  	   if RxState = "1111" then     -- idle state
                                  		  if RxStart = '0' then      -- in hunt mode
                                  		    if RxDatEdge = '1' then -- falling edge starts counter
                                  		      RxStart <= '1';
                                  			   RxStart <= RxStart;	  -- other wise remain halted
                                            end if;
                                  		    RxStart <= RxStart;		  -- Acquired start, stay in this state
                                          end if;
                                  		  RxStart <= '0';	           -- non idle, reset start flag
                                        end if; -- RxState

                                        if RxState = "1111" and RxStart = '0' then
                                  		  RxClkCnt <= "000011";  -- Reset to 3 to account for debounce skew
                                  		  if RxClkEdge = '1' then
                                  		    RxClkCnt <= RxClkCnt + "000001";
                                  		    RxClkCnt <= RxClkCnt;
                                          end if; -- RxClkEdge
                                        end if; -- RxState
                                  	 end if;	 -- clk / reset
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Clock Selector
                                    -- Select output then look for rising edge
                                    rxunit_clock_select : process(Clk, Reset, BdFmt, RxClk, RxClkCnt,
                                                                  RxBdDel, RxBdEdge )
                                    -- BdFmt
                                    -- 0 0     - Baud Clk divide by 1
                                    -- 0 1     - Baud Clk divide by 16
                                    -- 1 0     - Baud Clk divide by 64
                                    -- 1 1     - reset
                                      case BdFmt is
                                  	 when "00" =>	  -- Div by 1
                                  	   RxBdClk <= RxClk;
                                  	 when "01" =>	  -- Div by 16
                                  	   RxBdClk <= RxClkCnt(3);
                                  	 when "10" =>	  -- Div by 64
                                  	   RxBdClk <= RxClkCnt(5);
                                  	 when others =>  -- reset
                                  	   RxBdClk <= '0';
                                      end case;

                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   RxBdDel  <= RxBdClk;
                                  		RxBdEdge <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   RxBdDel  <= RxBdClk;
                                  		RxBdEdge <= RxBdClk and (not RxBdDel);
                                  	 end if;

                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver process
                                    rxunit_receive : process(Clk, Reset, RxState, RxBdEdge, RxDat )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                          frameErr  <= '0';
                                          outErr    <= '0';
                                  		  parityErr <= '0';

                                          ShtReg    <= "00000000";  -- Shift register
                                  		  DataOut   <= "00000000";
                                  		  RxParity  <= '0';         -- Parity bit
                                  		  RxValid   <= '0';         -- Data RX data valid flag
                                          RxState   <= "1111";
                                      elsif Clk'event and Clk='0' then
                                          if RxBdEdge = '1' then
                                            case RxState is
                                            when "0000" | "0001" | "0010" | "0011" |
                                  					"0100" | "0101" | "0110" => -- data bits 0 to 6
                                              ShtReg    <= RxDat & ShtReg(7 downto 1);
                                  			   RxParity  <= RxParity xor RxDat;
                                  				parityErr <= parityErr;
                                  				frameErr  <= frameErr;
                                  				outErr    <= outErr;
                                  				RxValid   <= '0';
                                  				DataOut   <= DataOut;
                                  				if RxState = "0110" then
                                   			     if WdFmt(2) = '0' then
                                                  RxState <= "1000";          -- 7 data + parity
                                                  RxState <= "0111";          -- 8 data bits
                                  				  end if; -- WdFmt(2)
                                                RxState   <= RxState + "0001";
                                  				end if; -- RxState

                                            when "0111" =>                 -- data bit 7
                                              ShtReg    <= RxDat & ShtReg(7 downto 1);
                                  			   RxParity  <= RxParity xor RxDat;
                                  				parityErr <= parityErr;
                                  				frameErr  <= frameErr;
                                  				outErr    <= outErr;
                                  				RxValid   <= '0';
                                  				DataOut   <= DataOut;
                                  			   if WdFmt(1) = '1' then      -- parity bit ?
                                                RxState <= "1000";         -- yes, go to parity
                                                RxState <= "1001";         -- no, must be 2 stop bit bits
                                  			   end if;

                                  	       when "1000" =>                 -- parity bit
                                  			   if WdFmt(2) = '0' then
                                                ShtReg <= RxDat & ShtReg(7 downto 1); -- 7 data + parity
                                  				  ShtReg <= ShtReg;          -- 8 data + parity
                                  				end if;
                                  				RxParity <= RxParity;
                                  				if WdFmt(0) = '0' then      -- parity polarity ?
                                  				  if RxParity = RxDat then  -- check even parity
                                  					  parityErr <= '1';
                                  					  parityErr <= '0';
                                  				  end if;
                                  				  if RxParity = RxDat then  -- check for odd parity
                                  					  parityErr <= '0';
                                  					  parityErr <= '1';
                                  				  end if;
                                  				end if;
                                  				frameErr  <= frameErr;
                                  				outErr    <= outErr;
                                  				RxValid   <= '0';
                                  				DataOut   <= DataOut;
                                              RxState   <= "1001";

                                            when "1001" =>                 -- stop bit (Only one required for RX)
                                  			   ShtReg    <= ShtReg;
                                  				RxParity  <= RxParity;
                                  				parityErr <= parityErr;
                                              if RxDat = '1' then         -- stop bit expected
                                                frameErr <= '0';           -- yes, no framing error
                                                frameErr <= '1';           -- no, framing error
                                              end if;
                                              if tmpDRdy = '1' then        -- Has previous data been read ? 
                                                outErr <= '1';             -- no, overrun error
                                                outErr <= '0';             -- yes, no over run error
                                              end if;
                                  				RxValid   <= '1';
                                  				DataOut   <= ShtReg;
                                              RxState   <= "1111";

                                            when others =>                 -- this is the idle state
                                              ShtReg    <= ShtReg;
                                  			   RxParity  <= RxParity;
                                  				parityErr <= parityErr;
                                  				frameErr  <= frameErr;
                                  				outErr    <= outErr;
                                  				RxValid   <= '0';
                                  				DataOut   <= DataOut;
                                  			   if RxDat = '0' then  -- look for start request
                                                RxState  <= "0000"; -- yes, read data
                                  				  RxState <= "1111";    -- otherwise idle
                                  			   end if;
                                            end case; -- RxState
                                  		  else  -- RxBdEdge
                                              ShtReg    <= ShtReg;
                                  			   RxParity  <= RxParity;
                                  				parityErr <= parityErr;
                                  				frameErr  <= frameErr;
                                  				outErr    <= outErr;
                                  				RxValid   <= RxValid;
                                  				DataOut   <= DataOut;
                                  				RxState   <= RxState;
                                          end if; -- RxBdEdge
                                      end if; -- clk / reset
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Read process
                                    rxunit_read : process(Clk, Reset, ReadD, RxValid, tmpRxVal, tmpDRdy )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                          tmpDRdy   <= '0';
                                  		  tmpRxVal  <= '0';
                                      elsif Clk'event and Clk='0' then
                                          if ReadD = '1' then
                                  		    -- Data was read, reset data ready
                                            tmpDRdy  <= '0';
                                  			 tmpRxVal <= tmpRxVal;
                                  		    if RxValid = '1' and tmpRxVal = '0' then
                                  			   -- Data was received, set Data ready
                                  			   tmpDRdy  <= '1';
                                  				tmpRxVal <= '1';
                                  			   -- Test for falling edge of RxValid.
                                  		      tmpDRdy <= tmpDRdy;
                                  			   if RxValid = '0' and tmpRxVal = '1' then
                                  			     tmpRxVal  <= '0';
                                  			     tmpRxVal  <= tmpRxVal;
                                  				end if;
                                  			 end if; -- RxValid
                                          end if; -- ReadD
                                      end if; -- clk / reset
                                    end process;

                                    DARdy <= tmpDRdy;
                                    DAOut <= DataOut;
                                    FRErr <= frameErr;
                                    ORErr <= outErr;
                                    PAErr <= parityErr;

                                  end Behaviour; --==================== End of architecture ====================--
library ieee;
                                  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
                                  use ieee.numeric_std.all;
                                  use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

                                  -- Transmitter unit
                                  entity TxUnit is
                                    port (
                                       Clk    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
                                       Reset  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
                                       LoadD  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Load transmit data
                                       DAIn   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
                                       WdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- word format
                                       BdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- baud format
                                       TxClk  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Enable input
                                       TxDat  : out Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data output
                                       TBE    : out Std_Logic );  -- Tx buffer empty
                                  end; --================== End of entity ==============================
                                  -- Architecture for TxUnit
                                  architecture Behaviour of TxUnit is
                                    type TxStateType is ( TxIdle_State, Start_State, Data_State, Parity_State, Stop_State );
                                    -- Signals
                                    signal TxClkDel  : Std_Logic;             -- Delayed Tx Input Clock
                                    signal TxClkEdge : Std_Logic;             -- Tx Input Clock Edge pulse
                                    signal TxClkCnt  : Std_Logic_Vector(5 downto 0); -- Tx Baud Clock Counter
                                    signal TxBdDel   : Std_Logic;             -- Delayed Tx Baud Clock
                                    signal TxBdEdge  : Std_Logic;             -- Tx Baud Clock Edge pulse
                                    signal TxBdClk    : Std_Logic;            -- Tx Baud Clock

                                    signal TBuff     : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit buffer
                                    signal TBufE     : Std_Logic;                    -- Transmit Buffer Empty

                                    signal TReg      : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit register
                                    signal TxParity  : Std_logic;                    -- Parity Bit
                                    signal DataCnt   : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- Data Bit Counter
                                    signal TRegE     : Std_Logic;                    --  Transmit Register empty
                                    signal TRegEDel  : Std_Logic;                    --  Transmit Register empty
                                    signal TRegEEdge : Std_Logic;
                                    signal TxState   : TxStateType;
                                    signal TxDbit    : Std_Logic;

                                    -- Transmit Clock Edge Detection
                                    -- A falling edge will produce a one clock cycle pulse
                                    txunit_clock_edge : process(Clk, Reset, TxClk, TxClkDel )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   TxClkDel  <= TxClk;
                                  		TxClkEdge <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   TxClkDel  <= TxClk;
                                  		TxClkEdge <= TxClkDel and (not TxClk);
                                  	 end if;
                                    end process;

                                    -- Transmit Clock Divider
                                    -- Advance the count only on an input clock pulse
                                    txunit_clock_divide : process(Clk, Reset, TxClkEdge, TxClkCnt )
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   TxClkCnt <= "000000";
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   if TxClkEdge = '1' then
                                  		  TxClkCnt <= TxClkCnt + "000001";
                                  		  TxClkCnt <= TxClkCnt;
                                        end if; -- TxClkEdge
                                  	 end if;	-- reset / clk
                                    end process;

                                    -- Receiver Clock Selector
                                    -- Select output then look for rising edge
                                    txunit_clock_select : process(Clk, Reset, BdFmt, TxClk, TxClkCnt,
                                                                  TxBdDel, TxBdEdge )
                                    -- BdFmt
                                    -- 0 0     - Baud Clk divide by 1
                                    -- 0 1     - Baud Clk divide by 16
                                    -- 1 0     - Baud Clk divide by 64
                                    -- 1 1     - reset
                                      case BdFmt is
                                  	 when "00" =>	  -- Div by 1
                                  	   TxBdClk <= TxClk;
                                  	 when "01" =>	  -- Div by 16
                                  	   TxBdClk <= TxClkCnt(3);
                                  	 when "10" =>	  -- Div by 64
                                  	   TxBdClk <= TxClkCnt(5);
                                  	 when others =>  -- reset
                                  	   TxBdClk <= '0';
                                      end case;

                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	   TxBdDel  <= TxBdClk;
                                  		TxBdEdge <= '0';
                                  	 elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	   TxBdDel  <= TxBdClk;
                                  		TxBdEdge <= TxBdClk and (not TxBdDel);
                                  	 end if;
                                    end process;

                                    -- Transmit Buffer Empty Edge
                                    -- generate a negative edge pulse
                                    txunit_busy : process(Clk, Reset, TRegE, TRegEDel )
                                       if Reset = '1' then
                                  	      TRegEDel  <= '0';
                                  			TRegEEdge <= '0';
                                       elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  	    TRegEDel  <= TRegE;
                                  		 TRegEEdge <= TregEDel and (not TRegE ); -- falling edge
                                       end if;
                                     end process;

                                    -- Transmitter activation process
                                    txunit_write : process(Clk, Reset, LoadD, DAIn, TBufE, TRegEEdge )
                                       if Reset = '1' then
                                             TBufE   <= '1';
                                  			  TBuff   <= "00000000";
                                       elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                  		     if LoadD = '1' then
                                  			    TBuff <= DAIn;
                                               TBufE <= '0';
                                  			    TBuff <= TBuff;
                                               if (TBufE = '0') and (TRegEEdge = '1') then
                                  				   -- Once the transmitter is started 
                                  					-- We can flag the buffer empty again.
                                                 TBufE <= '1';
                                                 TBufE <= TBufE;
                                  				 end if;
                                  			  end if;
                                      end if; -- clk / reset
                                      TBE <= TBufE;

                                    end process;

                                    -- Implements the Tx unit
                                    txunit_transmit :  process(Reset, Clk, TxState, TxDbit, TBuff, TReg,
                                                               TxBdEdge, TxParity, DataCnt, WdFmt,
                                  									  TBufE, TRegE )
                                  	 if Reset = '1' then
                                            TxDbit   <= '1';
                                  	       TReg     <= "00000000";
                                  		    TxParity <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt  <= "0000";
                                            TRegE    <= '1';
                                  		    TxState  <= TxIdle_State;
                                      elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then
                                        if TxBdEdge = '1' then
                                          case TxState is
                                          when TxIdle_State =>  -- TxIdle_State (also 1st or 2nd Stop bit)
                                            TxDbit     <= '1';
                                  	       TReg       <= TBuff;
                                  		    TxParity   <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt    <= "0000";
                                            TRegE      <= '1';
                                  		    if TBufE = '0' then
                                               TxState <= Start_State;
                                               TxState <= TxIdle_State;
                                  		    end if;

                                          when Start_State =>
                                            TxDbit   <= '0';           -- Start bit
                                  		    TReg     <= TReg;
                                  	       TxParity <= '0';
                                  		    if WdFmt(2) = '0' then
                                  		      DataCnt <= "0110";       -- 7 data + parity
                                              DataCnt <= "0111";       -- 8 data
                                  	       end if;
                                            TRegE    <= '0';
                                            TxState  <= Data_State;

                                          when Data_State =>
                                            TxDbit   <= TReg(0);
                                            TReg     <= '1' & TReg(7 downto 1);
                                            TxParity <= TxParity xor TReg(0);
                                            TRegE    <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt  <= DataCnt - "0001";
                                  		    if DataCnt = "0000" then
                                  	         if (WdFmt(2) = '1') and (WdFmt(1) = '0') then
                                  			     if WdFmt(0) = '0' then         -- 8 data bits
                                                  TxState <= Stop_State;       -- 2 stops
                                  				    TxState <= TxIdle_State;     -- 1 stop
                                  		        end if;
                                  			     TxState <= Parity_State;       -- parity
                                  		      end if;
                                              TxState  <= Data_State;
                                  		    end if;

                                          when Parity_State =>           -- 7/8 data + parity bit
                                  	       if WdFmt(0) = '0' then
                                  			    TxDbit <= not( TxParity );   -- even parity
                                  			    TXDbit <= TxParity;          -- odd parity
                                  	       end if;
                                  		    Treg     <= Treg;
                                  		    TxParity <= '0';
                                            TRegE    <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt  <= "0000";
                                  		    if WdFmt(1) = '0' then
                                  			   TxState <= Stop_State; -- 2 stops
                                  			   TxState <= TxIdle_State; -- 1 stop
                                  		    end if;

                                          when Stop_State => -- first stop bit
                                            TxDbit     <= '1';           -- 2 stop bits
                                  	       Treg       <= Treg;
                                  		    TxParity   <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt    <= "0000";
                                            TRegE      <= '0';
                                  		    TxState    <= TxIdle_State;

                                          when others =>  -- Undefined
                                            TxDbit     <= TxDbit;
                                  	       Treg       <= Treg;
                                  		    TxParity   <= '0';
                                  		    DataCnt    <= "0000";
                                            TRegE      <= TregE;
                                            TxState    <= TxIdle_State;

                                          end case; -- TxState

                                  		else -- TxBdEdge
                                  		  TxDbit   <= TxDbit;
                                  	     TReg     <= TReg;
                                  		  TxParity <= TxParity;
                                  		  DataCnt  <= DataCnt;
                                          TRegE    <= TRegE;
                                  		  TxState  <= TxState;
                                  		end if; -- TxBdEdge
                                  	 end if;	 -- clk / reset

                                  	 TxDat <= TxDbit;
                                    end process;

                                  end Behaviour; --=================== End of architecture ====================--
library ieee;
                                     use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
                                     use ieee.numeric_std.all;

                                  entity miniUART is
                                    port (
                                  	  -- CPU signals
                                       clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock
                                       rst      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input (active high)
                                       cs       : in  Std_Logic;  -- miniUART Chip Select
                                       rw       : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read / Not Write
                                       irq      : out Std_Logic;  -- Interrupt
                                       Addr     : in  Std_Logic;  -- Register Select
                                       DataIn   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus In 
                                       DataOut  : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus Out
                                  	  -- Uart Signals
                                       RxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Baud Clock
                                       TxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Baud Clock
                                       RxD      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Data
                                       TxD      : out Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Data
                                  	  DCD_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Data Carrier Detect
                                       CTS_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clear To Send
                                       RTS_n    : out Std_Logic );  -- Request To send
                                  end; --================== End of entity ==============================--
                                  -- Architecture for miniUART Controller Unit
                                  architecture uart of miniUART is
                                    -- Signals
                                    signal RxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- 
                                    signal TxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- 
                                    signal StatReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- status register
                                    --             StatReg detailed 
                                    --  Irq    | PErr   | ORErr  | FErr   | CTS    | DCD    | TBufE  | DRdy   |
                                    signal CtrlReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- control register
                                    --             CtrlReg detailed 
                                    --  RxIEnb |TxCtl(1)|TxCtl(0)|WdFmt(2)|WdFmt(1)|WdFmt(0)|BdCtl(1)|BdCtl(0)|
                                    -- RxIEnb
                                    -- 0       - Rx Interrupt disabled
                                    -- 1       - Rx Interrupt enabled
                                    -- TxCtl
                                    -- 0 1     - Tx Interrupt Enable
                                    -- 1 0     - RTS high
                                    -- WdFmt
                                    -- 0 0 0   - 7 data, even parity, 2 stop
                                    -- 0 0 1   - 7 data, odd  parity, 2 stop
                                    -- 0 1 0   - 7 data, even parity, 1 stop
                                    -- 0 1 1   - 7 data, odd  parity, 1 stop
                                    -- 1 0 0   - 8 data, no   parity, 2 stop
                                    -- 1 0 1   - 8 data, no   parity, 1 stop
                                    -- 1 1 0   - 8 data, even parity, 1 stop
                                    -- 1 1 1   - 8 data, odd  parity, 1 stop
                                    -- BdCtl
                                    -- 0 0     - Baud Clk divide by 1
                                    -- 0 1     - Baud Clk divide by 16
                                    -- 1 0     - Baud Clk divide by 64
                                    -- 1 1     - reset

                                    signal TxDbit   : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit data bit
                                    signal DRdy     : Std_Logic;  -- Receive Data ready
                                    signal TBufE    : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit buffer empty
                                    signal FErr     : Std_Logic;  -- Frame error
                                    signal OErr     : Std_Logic;  -- Output error
                                    signal PErr     : Std_Logic;  -- Parity Error
                                    signal TxIEnb   : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit interrupt enable
                                    signal Read     : Std_Logic;  -- Read receive buffer
                                    signal Load     : Std_Logic;  -- Load transmit buffer
                                    signal ReadCS   : Std_Logic;  -- Read Status register
                                    signal LoadCS   : Std_Logic;  -- Load Control register
                                    signal Reset    : Std_Logic;  -- Reset (Software & Hardware)
                                    signal RxRst    : Std_Logic;  -- Receive Reset (Software & Hardware)
                                    signal TxRst    : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Reset (Software & Hardware)
                                    signal DCDDel   : Std_Logic;  -- Delayed DCD_n
                                    signal DCDEdge  : Std_Logic;  -- Rising DCD_N Edge Pulse
                                    signal DCDState : Std_Logic;  -- DCD Reset sequencer
                                    signal DCDInt   : Std_Logic;  -- DCD Interrupt

                                    -- Receive Unit
                                    component RxUnit
                                    port (
                                       Clk     : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
                                       Reset   : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
                                       ReadD   : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read data signal
                                       WdFmt   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- word format
                                       BdFmt   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- baud format
                                       RxClk   : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 clock input
                                       RxDat   : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data input
                                       FRErr   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                       ORErr   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                  	  PAErr   : out Std_logic;  -- Status signal
                                       DARdy   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
                                       DAOut   : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
                                    end component;
                                    -- Transmitter Unit
                                    component TxUnit
                                    port (
                                       Clk    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
                                       Reset  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
                                       LoadD  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Load transmit data
                                       DAIn   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
                                       WdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- word format
                                       BdFmt  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- baud format
                                       TxClk  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Enable input
                                       TxDat  : out Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data output
                                       TBE    : out Std_Logic );  -- Tx buffer empty
                                    end component;
                                    -- Instantiation of internal components

                                    RxDev   : RxUnit  port map (
                                                  Clk      => clk,
                                  					 Reset    => RxRst,
                                  					 ReadD    => Read,
                                  					 WdFmt    => CtrlReg(4 downto 2),
                                  					 BdFmt    => CtrlReg(1 downto 0),
                                  					 RxClk    => RxC,
                                  					 RxDat    => RxD,
                                  					 FRErr    => FErr,
                                  					 ORErr    => OErr,
                                  					 PAErr    => PErr,
                                  					 DARdy    => DRdy,
                                  					 DAOut    => RxData

                                    TxDev   : TxUnit  port map (
                                                  Clk      => clk,
                                  					 Reset    => TxRst,
                                  					 LoadD    => Load,
                                  					 DAIn     => TxData,
                                  					 WdFmt    => CtrlReg(4 downto 2),
                                  					 BdFmt    => CtrlReg(1 downto 0),
                                  					 TxClk    => TxC,
                                  					 TxDat    => TxDbit,
                                  					 TBE      => TBufE

                                    -- Implements the controller for Rx&Tx units
                                  miniUart_Status : process(clk, Reset, CtrlReg, TxIEnb,
                                                            DRdy, TBufE, DCD_n, CTS_n, DCDInt,
                                                            FErr, OErr,  PErr )
                                  variable Int : Std_Logic;
                                      if Reset = '1' then
                                  	    Int     := '0';
                                         StatReg <= "00000000";
                                  		 irq     <= '0';
                                      elsif clk'event and clk='0' then
                                  		 Int        := (CtrlReg(7) and DRdy)   or
                                  		               (CtrlReg(7) and DCDInt) or
                                  		               (TxIEnb     and TBufE);
                                         StatReg(0) <= DRdy;  -- Receive Data Ready
                                         StatReg(1) <= TBufE and (not CTS_n); -- Transmit Buffer Empty
                                  	    StatReg(2) <= DCDInt; -- Data Carrier Detect
                                  		 StatReg(3) <= CTS_n; -- Clear To Send
                                         StatReg(4) <= FErr;  -- Framing error
                                         StatReg(5) <= OErr;  -- Overrun error
                                         StatReg(6) <= PErr;  -- Parity error
                                  		 StatReg(7) <= Int;
                                  		 irq        <= Int;
                                      end if;
                                    end process;

                                  -- Transmit control

                                  miniUart_TxControl : process( CtrlReg, TxDbit )
                                      case CtrlReg(6 downto 5) is
                                  	 when "00" => -- Disable TX Interrupts, Assert RTS
                                  	   RTS_n  <= '0';
                                  		TxIEnb <= '0';
                                  		TxD    <= TxDbit;
                                      when "01" => -- Enable TX interrupts, Assert RTS
                                  	   RTS_n  <= '0';
                                  		TxIEnb <= '1';
                                  		TxD    <= TxDbit;
                                      when "10" => -- Disable Tx Interrupts, Clear RTS
                                  	   RTS_n  <= '1';
                                  		TxIEnb <= '0';
                                  		TxD    <= TxDbit;
                                      when "11" => -- Disable Tx interrupts, Assert RTS, send break
                                  	   RTS_n  <= '0';
                                  		TxIEnb <= '0';
                                  		TxD    <= '0';
                                      when others =>
                                  	   RTS_n  <= '0';
                                  		TxIEnb <= '0';
                                  		TxD    <= TxDbit;
                                  	 end case;
                                  end process;

                                  -- Write to control register

                                  miniUart_Control:  process(clk, Reset, cs, rw, Addr, DataIn, CtrlReg, TxData )
                                    if (reset = '1') then
                                  		 TxData  <= "00000000";
                                  		 Load    <= '0';
                                  		 Read    <= '0';
                                  	    CtrlReg <= "00000000";
                                  		 LoadCS  <= '0';
                                  		 ReadCS	<= '0';
                                  	elsif clk'event and clk='0' then
                                  	    if cs = '1' then
                                  	      if Addr = '1' then	-- Data Register
                                  		     if rw = '0' then   -- write data register
                                               TxData <= DataIn;
                                  	          Load   <= '1';
                                  		       Read   <= '0';
                                    	        else               -- read Data Register
                                               TxData <= TxData;
                                  	          Load   <= '0';
                                               Read   <= '1';
                                  			  end if; -- rw
                                  		     CtrlReg <= CtrlReg;
                                  			  LoadCS  <= '0';
                                  			  ReadCS	 <= '0';
                                  	      else					  -- Control / Status register
                                             TxData <= TxData;
                                  	        Load   <= '0';
                                  		     Read   <= '0';
                                  		     if rw = '0' then   -- write control register
                                  			    CtrlReg <= DataIn;
                                  				 LoadCS  <= '1';
                                  				 ReadCS	<= '0';
                                    	        else               -- read status Register
                                  		       CtrlReg <= CtrlReg;
                                  				 LoadCS  <= '0';
                                  				 ReadCS	<= '1';
                                  			  end if; -- rw
                                  		   end if; -- Addr
                                  	    else                   -- not selected
                                           TxData  <= TxData;
                                  	      Load    <= '0';
                                  		   Read    <= '0';
                                  			CtrlReg <= CtrlReg;
                                  			LoadCS  <= '0';
                                  			ReadCS  <= '0';

                                  	    end if;  -- cs
                                     end if; -- clk / reset
                                  end process;

                                  -- set data output mux

                                  miniUart_data_read: process(Addr, StatReg, RxData)
                                  	  if Addr = '1' then
                                  		 DataOut <= RxData;    -- read data register
                                  		 DataOut <= StatReg;   -- read status register
                                  	  end if; -- Addr
                                  end process;

                                  -- Data Carrier Detect Edge rising edge detect
                                  miniUart_DCD_edge : process( reset, clk, DCD_n, DCDDel	)
                                     if reset = '1' then
                                  	   DCDEdge <= '0';
                                  		DCDDel  <= '0';
                                     elsif clk'event and clk = '0' then
                                  	   DCDDel <= DCD_n;
                                  		DCDEdge <= DCD_n and (not DCDDel);
                                     end if;
                                  end process;

                                  -- Data Carrier Detect Interrupt
                                  miniUart_DCD_int : process( reset, clk, DCDEdge, DCDState, Read, ReadCS, DCDInt )
                                     if reset = '1' then
                                  	   DCDInt   <= '0';
                                  		DCDState <= '0';
                                     elsif clk'event and clk = '0' then
                                  		if DCDEdge = '1' then
                                  		   DCDInt   <= '1';
                                  			DCDState <= '0';
                                        elsif DCDState	= '0' then
                                  		     -- To reset DCD interrupt, First read status
                                  			  if (ReadCS <= '1') and (DCDInt = '1') then
                                  			     DCDState <= '1';
                                  			     DCDState <= '0';
                                             end if;
                                  		     DCDInt <= DCDInt;
                                        else	-- DCDstate = '1'
                                  		     -- Then read the data register
                                  			  if Read <= '1' then
                                  			     DCDState <= '0';
                                  				  DCDInt <= '0';
                                  			     DCDState <= DCDState;
                                  				  DCDInt   <= DCDInt;
                                             end if;
                                        end if; -- DCDState
                                     end if; -- clk / reset
                                  end process;

                                  -- reset may be hardware or software

                                  miniUart_reset: process(rst, CtrlReg, Reset, DCD_n )
                                  	  Reset <= (CtrlReg(1) and CtrlReg(0)) or rst;
                                  	  TxRst <= Reset;
                                  	  RxRst <= Reset or DCD_n;
                                  end process;

                                  end; --===================== End of architecture =======================--


The 6805soc has four 8-bit input/output (I/O) ports.These 32 port pins are programmable as either inputs or outputs under software control of the data direction registers and they do not share any of their pins with other subsystems. To avoid a glitch on the output pins, write data to the I/O port data register before writing a 1 to the corresponding data direction register.

Port A Port A is an 8-bit bidirectional port .The port A data register is at address 000 and the data direction register (DDR) is at address 100 of the CPU address. Reset sets the data register to zero , but clears the data direction registers, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a 1 to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode.

Port B Port B is an 8-bit bidirectional port .The port B data register is at address 001 and the data direction register (DDR) is at address 101 of the CPU address. Reset sets the data register to zero , but clears the data direction registers, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a 1 to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode.

Port C Port C is an 8-bit bidirectional port .The port C data register is at address 010 and the data direction register (DDR) is at address 110 of the CPU address. Reset sets the data register to zero , but clears the data direction registers, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a 1 to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode.

Port D Port D is an 8-bit bidirectional port .The port D data register is at address 011 and the data direction register (DDR) is at address 111 of the CPU address. Reset sets the data register to zero , but clears the data direction registers, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a 1 to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode.

I/O port pins may be programmed as inputs or outputs under software control. The direction of the pins is determined by the state of the corresponding bit in the port data direction register (DDR). Each I/O port has an associated DDR. Any I/O port pin is configured as an output if its corresponding DDR bit is set to a logic 1. A pin is configured as an input if its corresponding DDR bit is cleared to a logic 0.

At power-on or reset, all DDRs are cleared, which configures all I/O pins as inputs. The data direction registers are capable of being written to or read by the processor. During the programmed output state, a read of the data register actually reads the value of the output data latch and not the I/O pin.

The diagram above shows, how the Port data direction register controls the I/O function of the port using a controlled buffer. See that the port individual bits can be manipulated as input or output rather the whole port at once. Sending a 1 on any of the Port_ddr turns the port_data bit , thereby setting it as an output to the port_io.

The diagram above show how the port_ddr selects between input data(port_io) and output data(port_data) as a valid port data(port_out). Selecting a value of 1’ sets the selected multiplexer to allow the port_data bit which is the output data. When the port_ddr is set to zero, the specific multiplexer allows the port_io which is the input data.

Pin Description

PinType Interface Description
Reset Input cpu_reset Reset input (active high)
Clock Input cpu_clk System Clock
CS Input control unit I/O Chip Select
RW Input CPU Read / Not Write
ADDR(2:0) Input CPU Reset input (active high)
Data_in Input CPU Data In
Data_out Output control unit Data Out
PortA Inout External Peripheral PortA Bidirectional I/O
PortB Inout External Peripheral PortB Bidirectional I/O
PortC Inout External Peripheral PortC Bidirectional I/O
PortD Inout External Peripheral PortD Bidirectional I/O

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity ioport is
	port (
	 clk       : in  std_logic;
    rst       : in  std_logic;
    cs        : in  std_logic;
    rw        : in  std_logic;
    addr      : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    data_in   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 porta_io  : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 portb_io  : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 portc_io  : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    portd_io  : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );

architecture ioport_arch of ioport is
signal porta_ddr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portb_ddr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portc_ddr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portd_ddr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal porta_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portb_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portc_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal portd_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);


-- read I/O port

ioport_read : process( addr,
                     porta_ddr, portb_ddr, portc_ddr, portd_ddr,
							porta_data, portb_data, portc_data, portd_data,
						   porta_io, portb_io, portc_io, portd_io )
variable count : integer;
      case addr is

	     when "000" =>
		    for count in 0 to 7 loop
            if porta_ddr(count) = '1' then
              data_out(count) <= porta_data(count);
              data_out(count) <= porta_io(count);
            end if;
			 end loop;

		  when "001" =>
		    for count in 0 to 7 loop
            if portb_ddr(count) = '1' then
              data_out(count) <= portb_data(count);
              data_out(count) <= portb_io(count);
            end if;
			 end loop;

		  when "010" =>
		    for count in 0 to 7 loop
            if portc_ddr(count) = '1' then
              data_out(count) <= portc_data(count);
              data_out(count) <= portc_io(count);
            end if;
			 end loop;

		  when "011" =>
		    for count in 0 to 7 loop
            if portd_ddr(count) = '1' then
              data_out(count) <= portd_data(count);
              data_out(count) <= portd_io(count);
            end if;
			 end loop;

	     when "100" =>
		    data_out <= porta_ddr;

		  when "101" =>
		    data_out <= portb_ddr;

		  when "110" =>
		    data_out <= portc_ddr;

		  when "111" =>
		    data_out <= portd_ddr;

		  when others =>
		    data_out <= "00000000";
		end case;
end process;

-- Write I/O ports

ioport_write : process( clk, rst, addr, cs, rw, data_in,
                        porta_data, portb_data, portc_data, portd_data,
								porta_ddr, portb_ddr, portc_ddr, portd_ddr )
  if clk'event and clk = '0' then
    if rst = '1' then
      porta_data <= "00000000";
      portb_data <= "00000000";
      portc_data <= "00000000";
      portd_data <= "00000000";
      porta_ddr <= "00000000";
      portb_ddr <= "00000000";
      portc_ddr <= "00000000";
      portd_ddr <= "00000000";
    elsif cs = '1' and rw = '0' then
      case addr is
	     when "000" =>
		    porta_data <= data_in;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "001" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= data_in;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "010" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= data_in;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "011" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= data_in;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
	     when "100" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= data_in;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "101" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= data_in;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "110" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= data_in;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		  when "111" =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= data_in;
		  when others =>
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
		end case;
		    porta_data <= porta_data;
		    portb_data <= portb_data;
		    portc_data <= portc_data;
		    portd_data <= portd_data;
		    porta_ddr  <= porta_ddr;
		    portb_ddr  <= portb_ddr;
		    portc_ddr  <= portc_ddr;
		    portd_ddr  <= portd_ddr;
	 end if;
  end if;
end process;

-- direction control port a
porta_direction : process ( porta_data, porta_ddr )
variable count : integer;
  for count in 0 to 7 loop
    if porta_ddr(count) = '1' then
      porta_io(count) <= porta_data(count);
      porta_io(count) <= 'Z';
    end if;
  end loop;
end process;

-- direction control port b
portb_direction : process ( portb_data, portb_ddr )
variable count : integer;
  for count in 0 to 7 loop
    if portb_ddr(count) = '1' then
      portb_io(count) <= portb_data(count);
      portb_io(count) <= 'Z';
    end if;
  end loop;
end process;

-- direction control port c
portc_direction : process ( portc_data, portc_ddr )
variable count : integer;
  for count in 0 to 7 loop
    if portc_ddr(count) = '1' then
      portc_io(count) <= portc_data(count);
      portc_io(count) <= 'Z';
    end if;
  end loop;
end process;

-- direction control port d
portd_direction : process ( portd_data, portd_ddr )
variable count : integer;
  for count in 0 to 7 loop
    if portd_ddr(count) = '1' then
      portd_io(count) <= portd_data(count);
      portd_io(count) <= 'Z';
    end if;
  end loop;
end process;

end ioport_arch;

4. RAM:

This computer has an 131 Kbytes memory map, consisting of a general purpose random-access memory (RAM) from address 0x0000 to 0xffff which can also be used for self-check ROM, user read-only memory (ROM) and input/output (I/O) registers.

To access the ram, the control unit needs to select the chip select of the ram while setting the appropriate signal for R/W, for either read or write. The data and address needs to be set also. The ram_wru and ram_wrl enables the CPU to write to either the lower 8-bits or the upper 8-bits respectively.

Pin Description

Input Input Output
PinType Interface Description
Reset Input cpu_reset Reset input (active high)
Clock Input cpu_clk System Clock
CS Input Control unit Ram Chip Select
Cpu_data_in(7:0) Input Control unit Ram data in
ram_wrun Input Control unit Ram write to the upper 8bits (Active Low)
ram_wrln Control unitRam write to the lower 8bits (Active Low)
ADDR(15:0) Control unit Ram Address
DATO(15:0) Control unit Ram data out

module eth_spram_256x32(

   	clk, rst, ce, we, oe, addr, di, dato


      // Generic synchronous single-port RAM interface
      input           clk;  // Clock, rising edge
      input           rst;  // Reset, active high
      input           cs_n;   // Chip enable input, active high
      input           ram_wrun;
      input           ram_wrln;
      input  [15:0]   addr; // address bus inputs
      input  [15:0]   cpu_data;   // input data bus
      output [15:0]   dato;   // output data bus

      // Generic single-port synchronous RAM model

      // Generic RAM's registers and wires
      reg  [15: 0] mem0 [15:0]; // RAM content
      reg  [15: 0] mem1; // RAM content
      reg  [15:0] mem2; // RAM content
      wire cs_n_and_a;
   	wire cs_n_and_b;
   	wire wrn_wln;

   dato = mem0;
   assign cs_n_and_a = ram_wrun and not cs_n;
   assign cs_n_and_b = ram_wrln and not cs_n;
   assign wrn_wln = ram_wrun or ram_wrln

       always@(posedge clk, rst)
   	 mem0 = 0;
   	 mem1 = 0;
   	 mem2 = 0;
   		if (cs_n_and_a)
   		  mem2[15:8] <=  cpu_data;
   		  mem2 <= mem2[mem1][15:8];
   		if (cs_n_and_b)
   		  mem2[7:0] <=  cpu_data;
   		  mem2 <= mem2[mem1][7:0];

   		if (not cs_n)
   		  mem1 <=  addr;
   		  mem1 <= mem1;

   		if (wrn_wln)
   		  mem0 <=  mem2[mem1];

library ieee;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

   library work;
   -- use work.memory.all;

   entity boot_rom is
     port (
       addr   : in   std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
       data   : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
   end entity boot_rom;

   architecture basic of boot_rom is
     constant width   : integer := 8;
     constant memsize : integer := 64;

     type rom_array is array(0 to memsize-1) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);

     constant rom_data : rom_array :=
     ( "10011100",				             -- $FFC0 - 9C       RESET RSP
       "10100110", "00010001",             -- $FFC1 - A6 11          LDA #$11
   	 "10110111", "00010000",             -- $FFC3 - B7 10          STA ACIACS
       "10101110", "00000000",             -- $FFC5 - AE 00          LDX #$00
   	 "11010110", "11111111", "11100010", -- $FFC7 - D6 FFE2  LOOP0 LDA $FFE0,X
   	 "00100111", "00001000",             -- $FFCA - 27 08          BEQ INPUT
   	 "00000011", "00010000", "11111101", -- $FFCC - 03 10 FD LOOP1 BRCLR 1,$10,LOOP1
   	 "10110111", "00010001",             -- $FFCF - B7 11          STA ACIADA
   	 "01011100",                         -- $FFD1 - 5C             INCX
   	 "00100000", "11110011",             -- $FFD3 - 20 F3          BRA LOOP0
   	 "00000001", "00010000", "11111101", -- $FFD5 - 01 10 FD INPUT BRCLR 0,$10,INPUT
   	 "10110110", "00010001",             -- $FFD7 - B6 11          LDA ACIADA
   	 "11001101", "11111111", "11011111", -- $FFD9 - CD FFDF        JSR SUBR
   	 "11001100", "11111111", "11000000", -- $FFDC - CC FFC0        JMP RESET
   	 "10110111", "00010001",             -- $FFDF - B7 11    SUBR  STA ACIADA
   	 "10000001",                         -- $FFE1 - 81             RTS
       "01001000", "01100101", "01101100", -- $FFE2 - 48 65 6c MSG   FCC "Hel"
   	 "01101100", "01101111", "00100000", -- $FFE5 - 6c 6f 20       FCC "lo "
   	 "01010111", "01101111", "01110010", -- $FFE8 - 57 6f 72       FCC "Wor"
       "01101100", "01100100",             -- $FFEB - 6c 64          FCC "ld"
       "00001010", "00001101", "00000000", -- $FFED - 0a 0d 00       FCB LF,CR,NULL
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFF0 - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFF2 - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFF4 - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFF6 - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFF8 - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFFA - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000",             -- $FFFC - FF C0          FDB RESET           
   	 "11111111", "11000000"              -- $FFFE - FF C0          FDB RESET           
      data <= rom_data(conv_integer(addr));
   end architecture basic;
library ieee;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

   entity bset_rom is
     port (
       addr   : in   std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
       data   : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
   end entity bset_rom;

   architecture basic of bset_rom is
     constant width   : integer := 8;
     constant memsize : integer := 8;

     type bset_rom_array is array(0 to memsize-1) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);

     constant bset_rom_data : bset_rom_array :=
     ( "00000001",
      data <= bset_rom_data(conv_integer(addr));
   end architecture basic;
library ieee;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

   entity bclr_rom is
     port (
       addr   : in   std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
       data   : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
   end entity bclr_rom;

   architecture basic of bclr_rom is
     constant width   : integer := 8;
     constant memsize : integer := 8;

     type bclr_rom_array is array(0 to memsize-1) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);

     constant bclr_rom_data : bclr_rom_array :=
     ( "11111110",
      data <= bclr_rom_data(conv_integer(addr));
   end architecture basic;

5. Control Unit or Control Bus:

the control unit is a communication link used by the CPU to send data, control signal and address to all the peripherial devices that are contained within the computer. It serves as a medium between the cpu and the rest of the computer. The CPU transmits a variety of control signals to components and devices, One of the main objectives of a bus is to minimize the lines that are needed for communication.

The cpu sends and receives data from the control unit through the data_out and cpu_data_in signal lines respectively. This signals are sent and received from all the peripheral devices, depending on the specific address the cpu wants to communicate with.

The control unit selects this address from signals in Rom, Ram, Timer, Uart, Ioport.

Each peripheral has a specific address on the cpu_address bus. The cpu_vma when enabled indicates that there is a valid address and the cpu wants to communicate with the peripheral.

Pin Description

PinType Interface Description
Reset Input cpu_reset Reset input (active high)
Cpu_clk Input cpu_clk System Clock
Uart_data_out Input Mini-uart Output data from the UART
Timer_data_out Input timer Output data from the Timer
Ioport_data_out Input ioport Output data from the IOPORT
Rom_data_out Input Rom Output data from the ROM
Ram_data Inout Ram data to/from the RAM
Bus_data Inout Bus data to/from the BUS
CPU_addr Input CPU CPU Address
CPU_Vma Input CPU Valid Memory Address
CPU_Data_out Input CPU Data output from the CPU
Sysclk Input CPU Clock for timer
Cpu_rw Input CPU System Clock
Cpu_data_in output control unit Cpu data to all peripheral
Ram_ADDR output Ram Ram address
Baudclock output mini-uart Miniuart RX/TX Clock
Ioport_cs output ioport IOPORT Chip Select
Ram_cs output ram Ram Chip Select
Timer_cs output timer Timer chip select
Uart_cs output mini-uart Mini-uart chip select
Bus_cs output control unit Bus Chip Select
Count_L output Timer Generates Timer clock
Led output Out Indicates circuit is working
Ram_wrl output ram Ram write lower(writes to bit 7:0 of ram address)
Ram_wru output ram Ram write Upper(writes to bit 15:8 of ram address)
Ext_irq output cpu Interrupt
Dcd_n output mini-uart For Debugging

library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.numeric_std.all;

 entity System05 is
     SysClk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock input
 	 Reset_n     : in  Std_logic;  -- Master Reset input (active low)
     LED         : out std_logic;  -- Diagnostic LED Flasher

     -- Memory Interface signals
     ram_csn     : out Std_Logic;
     ram_wrun    : out Std_Logic;
     ram_wrln    : out Std_Logic;
     ram_addr    : out Std_Logic_Vector(16 downto 0);
     ram_data    : inout Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);

 	 -- Stuff on the peripheral board
 --  aux_clock   : in  Std_Logic;  -- Extra clock
 --	 buzzer      : out Std_Logic;

 	 -- PS/2 Mouse interface
 --	 mouse_clock : in  Std_Logic;
 --	 mouse_data  : in  Std_Logic;

 	 -- Uart Interface
     rxbit       : in  Std_Logic;
 	 txbit       : out Std_Logic;
     rts_n       : out Std_Logic;
     cts_n       : in  Std_Logic;

 	 -- Keyboard interface
 --    kb_clock    : in  Std_Logic;
 -- 	kb_data     : in  Std_Logic;

 	 -- CRTC output signals
 --	 v_drive     : out Std_Logic;
 --    h_drive     : out Std_Logic;
 --    blue_lo     : out std_logic;
 --    blue_hi     : out std_logic;
 --    green_lo    : out std_logic;
 --    green_hi    : out std_logic;
 --    red_lo      : out std_logic;
 --    red_hi      : out std_logic;

     -- External Bus
     bus_addr     : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
 	 bus_data     : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	 bus_rw       : out   std_logic;
 	 bus_cs       : out   std_logic;
 	 bus_clk      : out   std_logic;
 	 bus_reset    : out   std_logic;

     -- I/O Ports
     porta        : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     portb        : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     portc        : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     portd        : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

     -- Timer I/O
 --    timer0_in    : in std_logic;
 	 timer0_out   : out std_logic;
 --    timer1_in    : in std_logic;
 	 timer1_out   : out std_logic
 end System05;

 -- Architecture for memio Controller Unit
 architecture my_computer of System05 is
   -- Signals
   -- BOOT ROM
   signal rom_data_out  : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);

   -- UART Interface signals
   signal uart_data_out : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
   signal uart_cs       : Std_Logic;
   signal uart_irq      : Std_Logic;
   signal dcd_n         : Std_Logic;

   -- I/O Port
   signal ioport_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   signal ioport_cs       : std_logic;

   -- Timer I/O
   signal timer_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   signal timer_cs       : std_logic;
   signal timer_irq      : Std_Logic;

   -- RAM
   signal ram_cs       : std_logic; -- memory chip select
   signal ram_wrl      : std_logic; -- memory write lower
   signal ram_wru      : std_logic; -- memory write upper
   signal ram_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

   -- Sequencer Interface signals
   signal cpu_reset   : Std_Logic;
   signal cpu_clk     : Std_Logic;
   signal cpu_rw      : std_logic;
   signal cpu_vma     : std_logic;
   signal cpu_addr    : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
   signal cpu_data_in : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
   signal cpu_data_out: Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);

   -- External interrupt input
   signal ext_irq     : Std_Logic;

   -- Counter signals
   signal countL       : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
   signal BaudCount    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
   signal baudclk      : Std_Logic;

 -- CPU Core

 component cpu05 is
   port (
 	 clk       : in  std_logic;
     rst       : in  std_logic;
     vma       : out std_logic;
     rw        : out std_logic;
     addr      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     data_in   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	 data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	 irq_ext   : in  std_logic;
 	 irq_timer : in  std_logic;
 	 irq_uart  : in  std_logic
 end component cpu05;

 -- Program memory

 component boot_rom is
   port (
     addr     : in  Std_Logic_Vector(5 downto 0);  -- 64 byte boot rom
 	 data     : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)
 end component boot_rom;

 -- Open Cores Mini UART

 component miniUART
   port (
      clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock
      rst      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input (active high)
      cs       : in  Std_Logic;  -- miniUART Chip Select
      rw       : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read / Not Write
      irq      : out Std_Logic;  -- Interrupt
      Addr     : in  Std_Logic;  -- Register Select
      DataIn   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus In 
      DataOut  : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus Out
      RxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Baud Clock
      TxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Baud Clock
      RxD      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Data
      TxD      : out Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Data
 	  DCD_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Data Carrier Detect
      CTS_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clear To Send
      RTS_n    : out Std_Logic );  -- Request To send
 end component;

 -- Three port parallel I/O

 component ioport is
   port (
      clk      : in std_logic;
 	  rst      : in std_logic;
 	  cs       : in std_logic;
 	  rw       : in std_logic;
 	  addr     : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 	  data_in  : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  porta_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  portb_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  portc_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  portd_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
 end component;

 -- Timer module

 component timer is
   port (
      clk       : in std_logic;
 	  rst       : in std_logic;
 	  cs        : in std_logic;
 	  rw        : in std_logic;
 	  addr      : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 	  data_in   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 	  irq_out   : out std_logic;
      tim0_in   : in std_logic;
 	  tim0_out  : out std_logic;
      tim1_in   : in std_logic;
 	  tim1_out  : out std_logic
 end component;

 -- Global clock buffer for debug

 component BUFG is
   port (
      i: in std_logic;
 	  o: out std_logic
 end component;


 -- Instantiation of internal components

 my_cpu : cpu05 port map (
 	 clk	     => cpu_clk,
     rst       => cpu_reset,
     vma       => cpu_vma,
     rw	     => cpu_rw,
     addr      => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
     data_in   => cpu_data_in,
 	 data_out  => cpu_data_out,
 	 irq_ext   => ext_irq,
 	 irq_timer => timer_irq,
 	 irq_uart  => uart_irq

 rom : boot_rom port map (
 	 addr       => cpu_addr(5 downto 0),
     data       => rom_data_out

 my_uart  : miniUART port map (
 	 clk	     => cpu_clk,
 	 rst       => cpu_reset,
     cs        => uart_cs,
 	 rw        => cpu_rw,
     irq       => uart_irq,
     Addr      => cpu_addr(0),
 	 Datain    => cpu_data_out,
 	 DataOut   => uart_data_out,
 	 RxC       => baudclk,
 	 TxC       => baudclk,
 	 RxD       => rxbit,
 	 TxD       => txbit,
 	 DCD_n     => dcd_n,
 	 CTS_n     => cts_n,
 	 RTS_n     => rts_n

 my_ioport  : ioport port map (
     clk       => cpu_clk,
 	 rst       => cpu_reset,
     cs        => ioport_cs,
 	 rw        => cpu_rw,
     addr      => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
 	 data_in   => cpu_data_out,
 	 data_out  => ioport_data_out,
 	 porta_io  => porta,
 	 portb_io  => portb,
 	 portc_io  => portc,
 	 portd_io  => portd

 my_timer  : timer port map (
     clk       => cpu_clk,
 	 rst       => cpu_reset,
     cs        => timer_cs,
 	 rw        => cpu_rw,
     addr      => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
 	 data_in   => cpu_data_out,
 	 data_out  => timer_data_out,
     irq_out   => timer_irq,
 	 tim0_in   => CountL(4),
 	 tim0_out  => timer0_out,
 	 tim1_in   => CountL(6),
 	 tim1_out  => timer1_out

 bufginst: BUFG port map(
     i => countL(0),
 	 o => cpu_clk

 -- bufginst: BUFG port map(i => SysClk, o => cpu_clk );	 

 --  Processes to read and write memory based on bus signals

 memory_decode: process( Reset_n, cpu_clk,
                  cpu_addr, cpu_vma,
 					  rom_data_out, ram_data_out,
 					  ioport_data_out, timer_data_out, uart_data_out, bus_data )
     case cpu_addr(15 downto 6) is
 		when "1111111111" =>
  		   cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
 			ram_cs      <= '0';
 		   ioport_cs   <= '0';
 		   timer_cs    <= '0';
 			uart_cs     <= '0';
 			bus_cs      <= '0';
 		when "0000000000" =>
 			-- Decode 64 bytes of I/O space here
 			ram_cs <= '0';
 			case cpu_addr(5 downto 3) is
 				-- I/O ports $0000 - $0007
 			   when "000" =>
               cpu_data_in <= ioport_data_out;
 				  ioport_cs   <= cpu_vma;
 				  timer_cs    <= '0';
 			     uart_cs     <= '0';
 			     bus_cs      <= '0';
 				-- Timer $0008 - $000F
 				when "001" =>
 				  cpu_data_in <= timer_data_out;
 				  ioport_cs   <= '0';
 				  timer_cs    <= cpu_vma;
 			     uart_cs     <= '0';
 			     bus_cs      <= '0';
 				-- ACIA $0010 - $0017
 			   when "010" =>
 		        cpu_data_in <= uart_data_out;
 				  ioport_cs   <= '0';
 				  timer_cs    <= '0';
 			     uart_cs     <= cpu_vma;
 			     bus_cs      <= '0';
 				-- Reserved $0018 - $003F
 				when others =>
 				  cpu_data_in <= bus_data;
 				  ioport_cs   <= '0';
 				  timer_cs    <= '0';
 			     uart_cs     <= '0';
 			     bus_cs      <= cpu_vma;
          end case;
 		when others =>
 		  cpu_data_in <= ram_data_out;
 		  ram_cs      <= cpu_vma;
 		  ioport_cs   <= '0';
 		  timer_cs    <= '0';
 		  uart_cs     <= '0';
 		  bus_cs      <= '0';
 	 end case;
 end process;

 -- B5 SRAM interface
 Ram_decode: process( Reset_n, cpu_clk,
                      cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma, cpu_data_out,
                      ram_cs, ram_wrl, ram_wru, ram_data )
     cpu_reset <= not Reset_n;
 	 ram_wrl  <= (not cpu_rw) and cpu_addr(0);
     ram_wru  <= (not cpu_rw) and (not cpu_addr(0));
 	 ram_wrln <= not ram_wrl;
 	 ram_wrun <= not ram_wru;
     ram_csn  <= not( Reset_n and ram_cs and cpu_clk );
     ram_addr(16 downto 15) <= "00";
 	 ram_addr(14 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(15 downto 1);

     if ram_cs = '1' then

 		if ram_wrl = '1' then
 		  ram_data(7 downto 0) <= cpu_data_out;
         ram_data(7 downto 0)  <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
 		end if;

 		if ram_wru = '1' then
 		  ram_data(15 downto 8) <= cpu_data_out;
         ram_data(15 downto 8)  <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
 		end if;

       ram_data(7 downto 0)  <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
       ram_data(15 downto 8) <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
     end if;

     if cpu_addr(0) = '0' then
 	   ram_data_out(7 downto 0) <= ram_data(15 downto 8);
 	   ram_data_out(7 downto 0) <= ram_data(7 downto 0);
     end if;

 end process;

 -- CPU bus signals
 my_bus : process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, cpu_rw, cpu_addr, cpu_data_out )
 	bus_clk   <= cpu_clk;
    bus_reset <= cpu_reset;
 	bus_rw    <= cpu_rw;
    bus_addr  <= cpu_addr;
 	if( cpu_rw = '1' ) then
 	   bus_data <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
 	   bus_data <= cpu_data_out;
    end if;
 end process;

   -- flash led to indicate code is working
 blink: process (SysClk, CountL )
     if(SysClk'event and SysClk = '0') then
       countL <= countL + 1;
     end if;
 	 LED <= countL(21);
 end process;

 -- 57.6 Kbaud * 16 divider for 25 MHz system clock
 my_baud_clock: process( SysClk )
     if(SysClk'event and SysClk = '0') then
 		if( BaudCount = 26 )	then
 		   BaudCount <= "00000";
 		   BaudCount <= BaudCount + 1;
 		end if;
     end if;
     baudclk <= BaudCount(4);  -- 25MHz / 27  = 926,000 KHz = 57,870Bd * 16
 	 dcd_n <= '0';
 end process;

   -- tie down inputs and outputs
   -- CRTC output signals
 --	 v_drive     <= '0';
 --    h_drive     <= '0';
 --    blue_lo     <= '0';
 --    blue_hi     <= '0';
 --    green_lo    <= '0';
 --    green_hi    <= '0';
 --    red_lo      <= '0';
 --    red_hi      <= '0';
 --	 buzzer      <= '0';

   -- tie down unused interrupts
   ext_irq <= '0';

 end my_computer; --===================== End of architecture =======================--

6. Central Processing Unit (CPU):

The CPU(Central Processing Unit) is made up of the ALU, flags and Control Registers.

the Alu_ctrl signal is responsible for controlling the operation of the ALU. Each value of the alu_ctrl signal represents a different alu operation. The ALU has a total of 27 instructions, with two registers , the alu_left and the alu_right. And ALU_v as the output.

Instruction Types
The MCU instructions fall into the following four categories:

1. Register/Memory Instructions
These instructions operate on CPU registers and memory locations. Most of them use two operands. One operand is in either the accumulator or the index register. The CPU finds the other operand in memory.

Alu_ctrl signalMneumonics Instruction
00000 Alu_add Add Memory Byte to Accumulator
00001 Alu_adc Add Memory Byte and Carry Bit to Accumulator
00010 Alu_sub Subtract Memory Byte from Accumulator
00011Alu_sbc Subtract Memory Byte and Carry Bit from Accumulator
00100 Alu_and AND Memory Byte with Accumulator
00101 Alu_ora OR Accumulator with Memory Byte
00110 Alu_eor EXCLUSIVE OR Accumulator with Memory Byte
11000 Alu_ld Load Accumulator/Index Register with Memory Byte
11001 Alu_st Store accumulator/Index Register in Memory
10111 Alu_btst Test for Negative or Zero

2. Read-Modify-Write Instructions
These instructions read a memory location or a register, modify its contents, and write the modified value back to the memory location or to the register.

Note :

Alu_ctrl signalMneumonics Instruction
00111 Alu_tst Test for Negative or Zero
01000 Alu_inc Increment
01001 Alu_dec Decrement
01010 Alu_clr Clear Register
01011 Alu_neg Negate (Two’s Complement)
01100 Alu_com Complement (One’s Complement)
01101 Alu_lsr Logical Shift Right
01110 Alu_lsl Logical Shift Left (Same as ASL)
01111 Alu_ror Rotate Right through Carry Bit
10000 Alu_rol Rotate Left through Carry Bit
10001 Alu_asr Arithmetic Shift Right
10101 Alu_bset Bit Set
10110 Alu_bclr Bit Clear

3. Bit Manipulation Instructions
The CPU can set or clear any writable bit in the first 256 bytes of memory, which includes I/O registers and on-chip RAM locations.

Alu_ctrl signalMneumonics Instruction
10101 Alu_bset Bit Set
10110 Alu_bclr Bit Clear

4. Control Instructions
These instructions act on CPU registers and control CPU operation during program execution.

Pin Description

Alu_ctrl signalMneumonics Instruction
10010 Alu_sei Set Interrupt mask
10011 Alu_cli Clear interrupt mask
10100 Alu_clc Clear carry bit
11010 Alu_nop No Operation
11011 Alu_sec Set carry bit

The cpu has 15 registers:

Accumulator (ACR)
The accumulator (A) is a general-purpose 8-bit register used to hold operands and results of arithmetic calculations or data manipulations. The accumulator output is either fed as the cpu data out or fed to the alu_register. The accumulator register is control by the ac_ctrl signal. It has four addressing modes:

Opcode register (OPR):
stores the opcode , the opcode or operation code affects the operation of the cpu the table will be drawn in instruction cycle section. It also contains the address of the bset and bclr data roms. Its output is controlled by the op_ctrl bit. And it has its input fed in directly from the cpu data_in. it has four addressing modes:

Interrupt vector register: (IVR):
This register is controlled by the iv_ctrl and it has 6 address modes:

Index Register (IXR)
The index register (IXR) is an 8-bit register used by the indexed addressing value to create an effective address. The index register also may be used as a temporary storage area.It can either be fed to the cpu_data_out or to the alu register. It is controlled by the ix_ctrl signal, and it has four addressing modes:

Program Counter (PCR):
The program counter (PC) is a 16-bit register that points to the next program address, it is controlled by the pc_ctrl and it has seven addressing modes:

Memory data Register (MDR):
JUST like the IXR and ACR the memory data register also stores program data, which can be fed to the alu_register or fed as the cpu_data_out. The MDR is controlled by the md_ctrl signal and it has four address mode:

effective address register (EAR):
This register stores the unique address that the program counter use, it can be used during a jump subroutine or when the program needs to perform a particular cycle outside the program counter. It is controlled by the ea_ctrl. It has 7 addressing modes:

Data Output register (DMR)
Also called the Data Output Multiplexer, this register selects what to output as the cpu_output. That is select data to be written to memory, note that that the output is asynchronous. This register is controlled by the data_ctrl bit , and it has five address mode:

Address register ( ADR, VMA, RW):
Stores the address of the peripheral device the cpu wants to communicate with, it is controlled by the addr_ctrl register. It also controls the RW and the VMA . the vma stands for valid memory access it indicates that the address bus data is valid, this signal is always on except when the address register is reset or when the address register is fetching the interrupt vector hi signal. The RW when high indicates that the CPU wants to read , while low it indicates that the cpu wants to write, the cpu is always in the read mode except when it wants to write to the stack or the memory. the addr_ctrl register has six addressing modes:

Alu register (ALR, ARR):
The alu_registers consists of two 1-byte registers referred to as alu_left and alu_right they both store Alu data temporary during operation. They are both controlled by the left_ctrl and right_ctrl respectively. Their address modes are given below:

Stack Pointer (SPR):
The stack pointer (SP) contains the address of the next available location in an external push-down/pop-up stack. The stack is normally a RAM that may have any location that is convenient .
It contains the address of the next free location on the stack. During an MCU reset or the reset stack pointer (RSP) instruction, the stack pointer is set to location $007F. The stack pointer is then decremented as data is pushed onto the stack and incremented as data is pulled from the stack. The stack register is controlled by the sp_ctrl and it has four addressing modes:

Condition Code Register (CCR):
The condition code register (CCR) is a 5-bit register in which four bits are used to indicate the results of the instruction executed, and the fifth bit indicates whether interrupts are masked. The CC register is controlled by the cc_ctrl signal, and it has four addressing modes:

The 5-bit register can be tested individually by a program, and specific actions can be taken as a result of their state. Each bit has will be explained below.

The flags:
The cpu has a total of 5flags in the cc_out bit also called condition code register. The condition code register (CCR) is a 5-bit register in which four bits are used to indicate the results of the instruction just executed, and the fifth bit indicates whether interrupts are masked. These bits can be tested individually by a program, and specific actions can be taken as a result of their state.

Bit4 → Half Carry flag. This bit is set during ADD and ADC operations to indicate that a carry occurred between bits 3 and 4.

Bit3→ Interrupt mask. When this bit is set, the timer and external interrupt are masked (disabled). If an interrupt occurs while this bit is set, the interrupt is latched and processed as soon as the interrupt bit is cleared. N — Negative When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was negative.

Bit2 → Negative flag. When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was a negative value.

Bit1 → Zero flag. When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was 0.

Bit0 → Carry/Borrow flag. When set, this bit indicates that a carry or borrow out of the arithmetic logical unit (ALU) occurred during the last arithmetic operation. This bit also is affected during bit test and branch instructions and during shifts and rotates.

The (CPU) Central Processing Unit

Pin Description

PinType Interface Description
Data_in Input Control_unit CPU input data
Irq_uart Input mini-uart Interrupt request from UART
Irq_timer Input Timer Interrupt request from Timer
Irq_ext Input Control_unit Interrupt request from Control unit
Reset Input Reset Reset input (active high)
Clock Input Input cpu_clk System Clock
Addr Output Peripherals Address output from CPU
Vma Output Control unit Valid Memory Address
RW Output Peripherals Read/Write
Data_out Output Peripherals Output Data from CPU

Instruction Cycle

The Instruction cycle (also known as the fetch–decode–execute cycle, or simply the fetch-execute cycle) is the cycle that the central processing unit (CPU) follows from boot-up until the computer has shut down in order to process instructions. A program residing in the memory unit of a computer consists of a sequence of instructions.

These instructions are executed by the processor by going through a cycle for each instruction. Instructions are processed under direction of the cpu in step-by-step manner. Each step is referred to as a phase. The cycle begins as soon as power is applied to the system, with an initial OPR value that is predefined by the system's architecture. Typically, this address points to a set of instructions in read-only memory (ROM), which begins the process of loading (or booting) the operating system.

There are 42 fundamental phases of the instruction cycle: The chart if given below:

library ieee;
  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
  use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

  entity cpu05 is
  	port (
  	 clk       : in  std_logic;
      rst       : in  std_logic;
      vma       : out std_logic;
      rw        : out std_logic;
      addr      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
      data_in   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  	 data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  	 irq_ext   : in  std_logic;
  	 irq_timer : in  std_logic;
  	 irq_uart  : in  std_logic );

  architecture cpu_arch of cpu05 is
  	type state_type is (reset_state, reset1_state, reset2_state,
                         fetch_state, decode_state, exec_state, halt_state,
   							  branch_state, bsr_state, jsr_state, jsr1_state, jmp_state,
  							  swi_state, stop_state,
  							  rti_state, rti_cc_state, rti_ac_state, rti_ix_state, rti_pch_state, rti_pcl_state,
  							  rts_state, rts_pch_state, rts_pcl_state,
  							  wait_state, wait1_state, wait2_state, wait3_state, wait4_state,
  							  int_state, int1_state, int2_state, int3_state, int4_state, int5_state, int6_state,
                         dir_state, ext_state, ix2_state, ix1_state, ix0_state,
  						     write_state );
  	type addr_type is (reset_addr, idle_addr, fetch_addr, read_addr, write_addr, push_addr, pull_addr, vect_hi_addr, vect_lo_addr );
  	type data_type is (ac_data, ix_data, cc_data, md_data, pc_lo_data, pc_hi_data );
  	type pc_type is (reset_pc, latch_pc, inc_pc, jmp_pc, bra_pc, pull_lo_pc, pull_hi_pc );
     type ea_type is (reset_ea, latch_ea, fetch_first_ea, fetch_next_ea, loadix_ea, addix_ea, addpc_ea );
     type op_type is (reset_op, latch_op, fetch_op );
     type ac_type is (reset_ac, latch_ac, load_ac, pull_ac );
  	type ix_type is (reset_ix, latch_ix, load_ix, pull_ix );
  	type sp_type is (reset_sp, latch_sp, load_sp, inc_sp, dec_sp );
     type cc_type is (reset_cc, latch_cc, load_cc, pull_cc );
  	type md_type is (reset_md, latch_md, load_md, fetch_md );
  	type iv_type is (latch_iv, rst_iv, swi_iv, irq_iv, tim_iv, uart_iv );
  	type left_type  is (ac_left, ix_left, md_left );
  	type right_type is (md_right, bset_right, bclr_right, zero_right, one_right );
     type alu_type   is (alu_add, alu_adc, alu_sub, alu_sbc,
                         alu_and, alu_ora, alu_eor,
                         alu_tst, alu_inc, alu_dec, alu_clr, alu_neg, alu_com,
  						     alu_lsr, alu_lsl, alu_ror, alu_rol, alu_asr,
  						     alu_sei, alu_cli, alu_sec, alu_clc,
  							  alu_bset, alu_bclr, alu_btst,
  						     alu_ld, alu_st, alu_nop );

    constant HFLAG : integer := 4;
    constant IFLAG : integer := 3;
    constant NFLAG : integer := 2;
    constant ZFLAG : integer := 1;
    constant CFLAG : integer := 0;

  	-- internal registers
    	signal ac:          std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);	-- accumulator
  	signal ix:          std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- index register
  	signal sp:          std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);  -- stack pointer
  	signal cc:          std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);  -- condition codes from alu
  	signal pc:	        std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- program counter for opcode access
  	signal ea:          std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- effective addres for memory access
  	signal op:          std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- opcode register
  	signal md:          std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- memory data
  	signal iv:          std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);  -- interrupt vector number
  	signal state:       state_type;

  	-- unregistered signals
  	-- (combinational logic)
     signal alu_left:    std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);  -- alu left input (bit 8 for carry)
     signal alu_right:   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);  -- alu right input
  	signal alu_out:     std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);  -- alu result output (unlatched)
  	signal cc_out:      std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);  -- alu condition code outout (unlatched)
  	signal bset_data_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  	signal bclr_data_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  	signal next_state:  state_type;

  	-- Syncronous Register Controls
  	signal ac_ctrl:     ac_type;
  	signal ix_ctrl:     ix_type;
  	signal sp_ctrl:     sp_type;
  	signal cc_ctrl:     cc_type;
     signal pc_ctrl:     pc_type;
     signal ea_ctrl:     ea_type;
     signal op_ctrl:     op_type;
  	signal md_ctrl:     md_type;
     signal iv_ctrl:     iv_type;

  	-- Asynchronous Multiplexer Controls
  	signal addr_ctrl:   addr_type;       -- address bus mutiplexer
  	signal data_ctrl: data_type;   -- data output mutiplexer
     signal left_ctrl:   left_type;       -- Left ALU input
  	signal right_ctrl:  right_type;     -- Right ALU input
     signal alu_ctrl:    alu_type;        -- ALU opeartion

  	-- bit set decoder table
     component bset_rom is
       port (
         addr     : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0);
  	    data     : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)
     end component bset_rom;
  	-- bit clear decoder table
     component bclr_rom is
       port (
         addr     : in  Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0);
  	    data     : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)
     end component bclr_rom;


     rom_set : bset_rom port map (
  	  addr       => op(3 downto 1),
       data       => bset_data_out

     rom_clear : bclr_rom port map (
   	  addr       => op(3 downto 1),
       data       => bclr_data_out

  -- opcode register

  op_reg: process( clk, op_ctrl, data_in, op )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case op_ctrl is
  	 when reset_op =>
  	   op <= "10011101";	-- reset with NOP
    	 when fetch_op =>
        op <= data_in;
  	 when others =>
  --	 when latch_op =>
  	   op <= op;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- accumulator
  ac_reg : process( clk, ac_ctrl, alu_out, ac, ix, data_in )
     if clk'event and clk = '0' then
       case ac_ctrl is
       when reset_ac =>             -- released from reset
  	    ac <= "00000000";
  	  when load_ac =>               -- single or dual operation
    	    ac <= alu_out(7 downto 0);
  	  when pull_ac =>                -- read acc / increment sp
  		 ac <= data_in;
    	  when others =>               -- halt on undefine states
  --	  when latch_ac =>             -- no operation on acc
  	    ac <= ac;
       end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- condition code register
  cc_reg : process( clk, cc_ctrl, cc_out  )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
       case cc_ctrl is
       when reset_cc =>             -- released from reset
  	    cc <= "00000";
  	  when load_cc =>               -- single or dual operation
    	    cc <= cc_out;
  	  when pull_cc =>                -- read cc / increment sp
  		 cc <= data_in(4 downto 0);
    	  when others =>               -- halt on undefine states
  --	  when latch_cc =>             -- no operation on acc
  	    cc <= cc;
       end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- index register
  ix_reg : process( clk, ix_ctrl, alu_out, ac, ix, data_in )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case ix_ctrl is
       when reset_ix =>                 -- released from reset
  	    ix <= "00000000";
  	  when load_ix =>                   -- execute /  = alu out
  	    ix <= alu_out(7 downto 0);
  	  when pull_ix =>                    -- read ixreg / increment sp
  		 ix <= data_in;
    	  when others =>
  --	  when latch_ix =>                 -- no change in ix
  	    ix <= ix;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- stack pointer
  sp_reg : process( clk, sp_ctrl, sp )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case sp_ctrl is
       when reset_sp =>                 -- released from reset
         sp <= "1111111";
  	  when inc_sp =>                   -- pop registers
  	    sp <= sp + 1;
       when dec_sp =>                   -- push registes
  		 sp <= sp - 1;
    	  when others =>
  --	  when latch_sp =>                 -- no change in sp
   	    sp <= sp;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- program counter
  pc_reg : process( clk, pc_ctrl, pc, ea, data_in )
  variable offset : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case pc_ctrl is
       when reset_pc =>                 -- released from reset
         pc <= "0000000000000000";
  	  when inc_pc =>                   -- fetch next opcode
  	    pc <= pc + 1;
       when jmp_pc =>                   -- load pc with effective address
  		 pc <= ea;
       when bra_pc =>                   -- add effective address to pc
  	    if ea(7) = '0' then				  -- sign extend offset
  		   offset := "00000000" & ea(7 downto 0);
  		   offset := "11111111" & ea(7 downto 0);
  		 end if;
  		 pc <= pc + offset;
       when pull_lo_pc =>               -- load pc lo byte from memory
  		 pc(15 downto 8) <= pc(15 downto 8);
  		 pc(7 downto 0)  <= data_in;
       when pull_hi_pc =>               -- load pc hi byte from memory
  		 pc(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
  		 pc(7 downto 0)  <= pc(7 downto 0);
  	  when others =>                   -- halt on undefine states
  --	  when latch_pc =>                 -- no change in pc
   	    pc <= pc;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- effective address register
  ea_reg: process( clk, ea_ctrl, ea, pc, ix, data_in )
  variable offset : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case ea_ctrl is
       when reset_ea =>                     -- released from reset / fetch
         ea <= "0000000000000000";
  	  when loadix_ea =>                    -- load ea with index register
  	    ea <= "00000000" & ix;
  	  when addpc_ea =>                     -- add pc to ea
  	    if ea(7) = '0' then				  -- sign extend offset
  		   offset := "00000000" & ea(7 downto 0);
  		   offset := "11111111" & ea(7 downto 0);
  		 end if;
  	    ea <= offset + pc;
       when addix_ea =>                     -- add index register to ea
  		 ea <= ea + ("00000000" & ix );
       when fetch_first_ea =>               -- load ea lo byte from memory
  		 ea(15 downto 8) <= "00000000";
  		 ea(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
       when fetch_next_ea =>               -- load ea with second from memory
  		 ea(15 downto 8) <= ea(7 downto 0);
  		 ea(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
    	  when others =>                   -- halt on undefine states
  --	  when latch_ea =>                 -- no change in ea
  	    ea <= ea;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- memory data register 
  -- latch memory byte input

  md_reg: process( clk, md_ctrl, data_in, md )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case md_ctrl is
  	 when reset_md =>
  	   md <= "00000000";
  	 when latch_md =>
  	   md <= md;
    	 when load_md =>                  -- latch alu output
        md <= alu_out(7 downto 0);
    	 when fetch_md =>
        md <= data_in;
  	 when others =>
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- interrupt vector register

  iv_reg: process( clk, iv_ctrl, iv )
    if clk'event and clk = '0' then
      case iv_ctrl is
  	 when rst_iv =>
  	   iv <= "111"; -- $FFFE/$FFFF
  	 when swi_iv =>
  	   iv <= "110"; -- $FFFC/$FFFD
    	 when irq_iv =>
        iv <= "101"; -- $FFFA/$FFFB
  	 when tim_iv =>
  	   iv <= "100"; -- $FFF8/$FFF9
      when uart_iv =>
  	   iv <= "011"; -- $FFFA/$FFFB
  	 when others =>
  --	 when latch_iv =>
  	   iv <= iv;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- Address output multiplexer
  -- Work out which register to apply to the address bus
  -- Note that the multiplexer output is asyncronous

  mux_addr: process( clk, addr_ctrl, pc, ea, sp, iv )
     case addr_ctrl is
       when reset_addr =>                 -- when held in reset
         addr <= "1111111111111111";
    		 vma  <= '0';
  		 rw   <= '1';
  	  when fetch_addr =>                 -- fetch opcode from pc
  		 addr <= pc;
    		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '1';
  	  when read_addr =>                  -- read from memory
  	    addr <= ea;
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '1';
  	  when write_addr =>                 -- write to memory
  	    addr <= ea;
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '0';
  	  when push_addr =>                  -- write to stack
  	    addr <= ("000000001" & sp);
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '0';
  	  when pull_addr =>                  -- read from stack
  	    addr <= ("000000001" & sp);
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '1';

  	  when vect_hi_addr =>               -- fetch interrupt vector hi
  	    addr <= "111111111111" & iv & "0";
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '1';
  	  when vect_lo_addr =>               -- fetch interrupt vector lo
  	    addr <= "111111111111" & iv & "1";
  		 vma  <= '1';
  		 rw   <= '1';
    	  when others =>                   -- undefined all high
         addr <= "1111111111111111";
    		 vma  <= '0';
  		 rw   <= '1';
     end case;
  end process;

  -- Data Output Multiplexer
  -- select data to be written to memory
  -- note that the output is asynchronous

  mux_data: process( clk, data_ctrl, md, pc, cc, ac, ix )
  variable data_out_v : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      case data_ctrl is
    	 when ac_data =>                   -- save accumulator
        data_out <= ac;
    	 when ix_data =>                   -- save index register
        data_out <= ix;
    	 when cc_data =>                   -- save condition codes
        data_out <= "000" & cc;
  	 when others =>
  --  	 when md_data =>                  -- alu latched output
        data_out <= md;
    	 when pc_lo_data =>                  -- save pc low byte
        data_out <= pc(7 downto 0);
    	 when pc_hi_data =>
        data_out <= pc(15 downto 8); -- save pc high byte

      end case;
  end process;

  -- alu left mux
  -- asynchronous input as register is already latched

  mux_left: process( clk, left_ctrl, ac, ix, md )
      case left_ctrl is
  	 when ac_left =>
  	   alu_left <= "0" & ac; -- dual op argument
  	 when ix_left =>
  	   alu_left <= "0" & ix; -- dual op argument
  	 when md_left =>
  	   alu_left <= "0" & md;
  	 when others =>
        alu_left <= "000000000";
      end case;
  end process;

  -- alu right mux
  -- asynchronous input as register is already latched

  mux_right: process( clk, right_ctrl, data_in, bset_data_out, bclr_data_out, md )
      case right_ctrl is
  	 when others =>
  --	 when md_right =>
  	   alu_right <= "0" & md; -- dual op argument
  	 when bset_right =>
  	   alu_right <= "0" & bset_data_out;
  	 when bclr_right =>
        alu_right <= "0" & bclr_data_out;
  	 when zero_right =>
  	   alu_right <= "000000000";
  	 when one_right =>
  	   alu_right <= "000000001";

    end case;
  end process;

  -- Arithmetic Logic Unit

  mux_alu: process( clk, alu_ctrl, cc, alu_left, alu_right )
  variable alu_v   : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
  variable low_v   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
  variable high_v  : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);

      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_bset =>
  	   alu_v := alu_left or alu_right; 	-- bit
    	 when alu_bclr =>
  	   alu_v := alu_left and alu_right; 	-- bclr
    	 when alu_btst =>
  	   alu_v := alu_left and alu_right; 	-- tst
    	 when alu_add =>
  		low_v   := ("0" & alu_left(3 downto 0)) + ("0" & alu_right(3 downto 0));
  		high_v  := ("0" & alu_left(7 downto 4)) + ("0" & alu_right(7 downto 4)) + low_v(4);
  	   alu_v   := high_v(4 downto 0) & low_v(3 downto 0); 	-- add
    	 when alu_adc =>
  		low_v   := ("0" & alu_left(3 downto 0)) + ("0" & alu_right(3 downto 0)) + ("0000" & cc(CFLAG));
  		high_v  := ("0" & alu_left(7 downto 4)) + ("0" & alu_right(7 downto 4)) + low_v(4);
  	   alu_v   := high_v(4 downto 0) & low_v(3 downto 0); 	-- adc
    	 when alu_sub =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left - alu_right; 	-- sub / cmp
    	 when alu_sbc =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left - alu_right - ("00000000" & cc(CFLAG)); 	-- sbc
    	 when alu_and =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left and alu_right; 	-- and/bit
    	 when alu_ora =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left or alu_right; 	-- or
    	 when alu_eor =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left xor alu_right; 	-- eor/xor
    	 when alu_lsl =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(7 downto 0) & "0"; 	-- lsl
    	 when alu_lsr =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(0) & "0" & alu_left(7 downto 1); 	-- lsr
    	 when alu_asr =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(0) & alu_left(7) & alu_left(7 downto 1); 	-- asr
    	 when alu_rol =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(7 downto 0) & cc(CFLAG); 	-- rol
    	 when alu_ror =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(0) & cc(CFLAG) & alu_left(7 downto 1); 	-- ror
    	 when alu_inc =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left + "000000001"; 	-- inc
    	 when alu_dec =>
  	   alu_v   := alu_left(8 downto 0) - "000000001"; -- dec
    	 when alu_neg =>
  	   alu_v   := "000000000" - alu_left(8 downto 0); 	-- neg
    	 when alu_com =>
  	   alu_v   := not alu_left(8 downto 0); 	-- com
    	 when alu_clr =>
  	   alu_v  := "000000000"; 	   -- clr
  	 when alu_ld =>
  	   alu_v  := alu_right(8 downto 0);
  	 when alu_st =>
  	   alu_v  := alu_left(8 downto 0);
    	 when others =>
  	   alu_v  := alu_left(8 downto 0); -- nop
      end case;

  	 -- carry bit
      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_add | alu_adc | alu_sub | alu_sbc |
    	      alu_lsl | alu_lsr | alu_rol | alu_ror | alu_asr |
    	      alu_neg | alu_com =>
        cc_out(CFLAG) <= alu_v(8);
  	 when alu_btst =>
        cc_out(CFLAG) <= not( alu_v(7) or alu_v(6) or alu_v(5) or alu_v(4) or
  	                   alu_v(3) or alu_v(2) or alu_v(1) or alu_v(0) );
    	 when alu_sec =>
        cc_out(CFLAG) <= '1';
    	 when alu_clc =>
        cc_out(CFLAG) <= '0';
    	 when others =>
        cc_out(CFLAG) <= cc(CFLAG);
      end case;

  	 -- Zero flag
      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_add | alu_adc | alu_sub | alu_sbc |
    	      alu_and | alu_ora | alu_eor |
    	      alu_lsl | alu_lsr | alu_rol | alu_ror | alu_asr |
    	      alu_inc | alu_dec | alu_neg | alu_com | alu_clr |
  		   alu_ld  | alu_st =>
        cc_out(ZFLAG) <= not( alu_v(7) or alu_v(6) or alu_v(5) or alu_v(4) or
  	                         alu_v(3) or alu_v(2) or alu_v(1) or alu_v(0) );
    	 when others =>
        cc_out(ZFLAG) <= cc(ZFLAG);
      end case;

  	 -- negative flag
      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_add | alu_adc | alu_sub | alu_sbc |
  	      alu_and | alu_ora | alu_eor |
    	      alu_lsl | alu_lsr | alu_rol | alu_ror | alu_asr |
    	      alu_inc | alu_dec | alu_neg | alu_com | alu_clr |
  			alu_ld  | alu_st =>
        cc_out(NFLAG) <= alu_v(7);
    	 when others =>
        cc_out(NFLAG) <= cc(NFLAG);
      end case;

  	 -- Interrupt mask flag
      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_sei =>
  		cc_out(IFLAG) <= '1';               -- set interrupt mask
    	 when alu_cli =>
  		cc_out(IFLAG) <= '0';               -- clear interrupt mask
    	 when others =>
  		cc_out(IFLAG) <= cc(IFLAG);             -- interrupt mask
      end case;

      -- Half Carry flag
      case alu_ctrl is
    	 when alu_add | alu_adc =>
  		cc_out(HFLAG) <= low_v(4);
    	 when others =>
  		cc_out(HFLAG) <= cc(HFLAG);
      end case;

  	 alu_out <= alu_v;

  end process;

  -- state sequencer

  sequencer : process( state, data_in,
                       ac, cc, ix, sp, ea, md, pc, op,
                       irq_ext, irq_timer, irq_uart )
  		  case state is
  -- RESET:
  -- Here if processor held in reset
  -- On release of reset go to RESET1
            when reset_state =>        -- release from reset
  	         ac_ctrl    <= reset_ac;
  	         cc_ctrl    <= reset_cc;
  	         ix_ctrl    <= reset_ix;
  	         sp_ctrl    <= reset_sp;
              pc_ctrl    <= reset_pc;
              op_ctrl    <= reset_op;
              ea_ctrl    <= reset_ea;
  	         md_ctrl    <= reset_md;
  				iv_ctrl    <= rst_iv;
              left_ctrl  <= ac_left;        -- Left ALU input
  	         right_ctrl <= md_right;       -- Right ALU input
              alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;        -- ALU opeartion
  	         addr_ctrl  <= reset_addr;     -- address bus mutiplexer
  	         data_ctrl  <= md_data;        -- data output mutiplexer
  			   next_state <= reset1_state;
  -- RESET1:
  -- address bus = reset vector hi
  -- Load PC high with high byte
  -- go to RESET2
            when reset1_state =>        -- fetch hi reset vector
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_hi_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= vect_hi_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;       -- data output mutiplexer
  			    next_state <= reset2_state;
  -- RESET2:
  -- address bus = reset vector lo
  -- Load PC low with low byte
  -- go to FETCH
            when reset2_state =>        -- fetch low reset vector
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_lo_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= vect_lo_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;       -- data output mutiplexer
  			    next_state <= fetch_state;
  -- FETCH:
  -- fetch opcode,
  -- advance the pc,
  -- clear the effective address (ea) register
  -- goto DECODE
            when fetch_state =>         -- fetch instruction
               case op(7 downto 4) is
  --				 when "0000" =>				-- BRSET/ BRCLR
  --				   null;
  --				 when "0001" =>				-- BSET/ BCLR
  --				   null;
  --				 when "0010" =>				-- BR conditional
  --				   null;
  --				 when "0011" =>				--	single op direct
  --				   null;
  				 when "0100" =>            -- single op accum
    	            ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  				   case op( 3 downto 0 ) is
  				   when "0000" =>            -- neg
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_neg;
  				   when "0011" =>            -- com
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_com;
  				   when "0100" =>            -- lsr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsr;
  				   when "0110" =>            -- ror
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ror;
  				   when "0111" =>            -- asr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_asr;
  				   when "1000" =>            -- lsl
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsl;
  				   when "1001" =>            -- rol
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_rol;
  				   when "1010" =>            -- dec
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_dec;
  				   when "1011" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1100" =>            -- inc
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_inc;
  				   when "1101" =>            -- tst
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_tst;
  				   when "1110" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1111" =>            -- clr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_clr;
  					when others =>
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					end case;

  				 when "0101" =>            -- single op ix reg
    	            ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= load_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  				   case op( 3 downto 0 ) is
  				   when "0000" =>            -- neg
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_neg;
  				   when "0011" =>            -- com
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_com;
  				   when "0100" =>            -- lsr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsr;
  				   when "0110" =>            -- ror
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ror;
  				   when "0111" =>            -- asr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_asr;
  				   when "1000" =>            -- lsl
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsl;
  				   when "1001" =>            -- rol
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_rol;
  				   when "1010" =>            -- dec
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_dec;
  				   when "1011" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1100" =>            -- inc
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_inc;
  				   when "1101" =>            -- tst
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_tst;
  				   when "1110" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1111" =>            -- clr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_clr;
  					when others =>
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					end case;
  --           when "0110" =>            -- single op IX1
  --             null;
  --           when "0111" =>            -- single op IX0
  --             null;
  --           when "1000" =>            -- inherent stack operators
  --             null;
  				 when "1001" =>            -- inherent operators
  				   case op( 3 downto 0 ) is
  --				   when "0000" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  --     		   when "0001" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  -- 				when "0010" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  --				   when "0011" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  --				   when "0100" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  --				   when "0101" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  --				   when "0110" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  				   when "0111" =>            -- tax
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= load_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;

  				   when "1000" =>            -- clc
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_clc;

  				   when "1001" =>            -- sec
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sec;

  				   when "1010" =>            -- cli
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_cli;

  				   when "1011" =>            -- sei
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sei;

  				   when "1100" =>            -- rsp
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  					  sp_ctrl    <= reset_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;

  --				   when "1101" =>            -- nop
  --					  null;
  --				   when "1110" =>            -- undef
  --					  null;
  				   when "1111" =>            -- txa
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;

  					when others =>
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					end case;
  			    -- dual operand addressing modes
  				 when "1010" |            -- dual op imm
  				      "1011" |            -- dual op dir
  				      "1100" |            -- dual op ext
  				      "1101" |            -- dual op ix2
  				      "1110" |            -- dual op ix1
  				      "1111" =>           -- dual op ix0
  				   case op( 3 downto 0 ) is
  				   when "0000" =>            -- sub
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sub;
   				   when "0001" =>            -- cmp
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sub;
   				   when "0010" =>            -- sbc
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sbc;
  				   when "0011" =>            -- cpx
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_sub;
  				   when "0100" =>            -- and
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_and;
  				   when "0101" =>            -- bit
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_and;
  				   when "0110" =>            -- lda
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ld;
  				   when "0111" =>            -- sta
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;
  				   when "1000" =>            -- eor
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_eor;
  				   when "1001" =>            -- adc
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_adc;
  				   when "1010" =>            -- ora
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ora;
  				   when "1011" =>            -- add
                   ac_ctrl    <= load_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_add;
  --				   when "1100" =>            -- jmp
  --					  null;
  --				   when "1101" =>            -- jsr
  --					  null;
  				   when "1110" =>            -- ldx
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= load_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ld;
  				   when "1111" =>            -- stx
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ix_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;
  					when others =>
                   ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                   ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	              sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					  left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					end case;
  				 when others =>
                 ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
                 ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					left_ctrl  <= ac_left;
  					right_ctrl <= md_right;
  					alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				 end case;

               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
               md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  				 pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= fetch_op;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= fetch_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;       -- data output mutiplexer
               if irq_ext = '1' and cc(IFLAG) = '0' then
  				   iv_ctrl    <= irq_iv;
  					next_state <= int_state;
  				 elsif irq_timer = '1' and cc(IFLAG) = '0' then
  				   iv_ctrl    <= tim_iv;
  					next_state <= int_state;
  				 elsif irq_uart = '1' and cc(IFLAG) = '0' then
  				   iv_ctrl    <= uart_iv;
  					next_state <= int_state;
  	            iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  			      next_state <= decode_state;
  				 end if;
  -- DECODE:
  -- decode the new opcode, 
  -- fetch the next byte into the low byte of the ea ,
  -- work out if you need to advance the pc, (two or three byte op)
  -- work out the next state based on the addressing mode.
  -- evaluate conditional branch execution
            when decode_state =>             -- decode instruction / fetch next byte
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= fetch_first_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= fetch_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;       -- data output mutiplexer
  	   		 case op(7 downto 4) is -- addressing modes
  				 -- branch on bit set / clear
  	 	    	 when "0000" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc
  				   next_state <= dir_state;
  				 -- bit set / clear direct page
  				 when "0001" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc
  				   next_state <= dir_state;
  				 -- branch on condition codes
               --   if condtion = true
               --       go to "branch" state
               --   if conition = false
               --       go to "fetch" state
  				 when "0010" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc
  				   case op(3 downto 0) is
  					when "0000" => -- bra
  					  next_state <= branch_state;
  					when "0001" => -- brn
  					  next_state <= fetch_state;
  					when "0010" => -- bhi
  					  if cc(CFLAG) = '0' and cc(ZFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "0011" => -- bls
  					  if cc(CFLAG) = '1' or cc(ZFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "0100" => -- bcc
  					  if cc(CFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "0101" => -- bcs
  					  if cc(CFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "0110" => -- bne
  					  if cc(ZFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "0111" => -- beq
  					  if cc(ZFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1000" => -- bhcc
  					  if cc(HFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1001" => -- bhcs
  					  if cc(HFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1010" => -- bpl
  					  if cc(NFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1011" => -- bmi
  					  if cc(NFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1100" => -- bmc
  					  if cc(IFLAG) = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1101" => -- bms
  					  if cc(IFLAG) = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1110" => -- bil
  					  if irq_ext = '0' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when "1111" => -- bih
  					  if irq_ext = '1' then
  					    next_state <= branch_state;
  					    next_state <= fetch_state;
  					  end if;
  					when others =>
  					end case; -- end of conditional branch decode
  				 -- Single Operand direct addressing
  				 when "0011" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (2 byte instruction)
  				   next_state <= dir_state;
  				 -- Single Operand accumulator
  				 when "0100" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  				   next_state <= fetch_state;
  				 -- Single Operand index register
  				 when "0101" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  				   next_state <= fetch_state;
  				 -- Single Operand memory 8 bit indexed
  				 when "0110" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (2 byte instruction)
  				   next_state <= ix1_state;
  				 -- Single Operand memory 0 bit indexed
  				 when "0111" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;     -- hold the pc (1 byte instruction)
  				   next_state <= ix0_state;
  				 -- stack and interrupt operators
    				 when "1000" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  				   case op(3 downto 0) is
  					when "0000" =>
  					  next_state <= rti_state;
  					when "0001" =>
  					  next_state <= rts_state;
                 when "0011" =>
  					  next_state <= swi_state;
   				   when "1110" =>
  					  next_state <= stop_state;
  					when "1111" =>
  					  next_state <= wait_state;
  					when others =>
  					  next_state <= fetch_state;
  					end case; -- end of stack decode
  				 -- Inherent operators
  				 when "1001" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  					next_state <= fetch_state;
  				 -- dual operand immediate addressing
  	          when "1010" =>
   				   pc_ctrl   <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (2 byte instruction)
  				   case op(3 downto 0) is
  					when "1101" => -- bsr
  					  next_state <= bsr_state;
  					when others =>
  					  next_state <= fetch_state;
  					end case;
  				 -- dual operand direct addressing
  				 when "1011" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (2 byte instruction)
  					next_state <= dir_state;
  				 -- dual operand extended addressing
  			    when "1100" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (3 byte instruction)
  				   next_state <= ext_state;
  				 -- dual operand 16 bit indexed addressing
  				 when "1101" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (3 byte instruction)
  					next_state <= ix2_state;
  				 -- dual operand 8 bit indexed addressing
  			    when "1110" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;     -- advance the pc (3 byte instruction)
  					next_state <= ix1_state;
  				 -- dual operand direct page indexed addressing
  				 when "1111" =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  					next_state <= ix0_state;
  				 -- catch undefined states
  				 when others =>
   				   pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
  				   next_state <= fetch_state;
  				 end case;
  				 -- end of instruction decode state
  			  -- perform addressing state sequence
  			  when ext_state => -- fetch second address byte
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;
               ea_ctrl    <= fetch_next_ea;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= fetch_addr;     -- read effective address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;       -- read memory data
  			    next_state <= dir_state;

  			  when ix2_state => -- fetch second index offest byte
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;
               ea_ctrl    <= fetch_next_ea;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= fetch_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= ix1_state;

  			  when ix1_state => -- add ixreg to effective address
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               ea_ctrl    <= addix_ea;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= dir_state;

  			  when ix0_state => -- load effective address with ixreg
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= loadix_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= dir_state;

  			  when dir_state => -- read memory cycle
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  				 case op(7 downto 4) is
  				 when "0000" |  -- BRSET / BRCLR
  				      "0001" |  -- BSET / BCLR
  				      "0011" |  -- single op DIR
  				      "0110" |  -- single op IX1
  						"0111" => -- single op IX0
  	            md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
                 left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	            right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				   addr_ctrl  <= read_addr;     -- read effective address
  			      next_state <= exec_state;
  				 when "1011" |     -- dual op direct
  				      "1100" |     -- dual op extended
  				      "1101" |     -- dual op ix2
  				      "1110" |     -- dual op ix1
  				      "1111" =>    -- dual op ix0
  				   case op(3 downto 0) is
  					when "0111" =>   -- sta
  	              md_ctrl    <= load_md;
                   left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	              right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                   alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;        -- ALU opeartion
  				     addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- read effective address
  					  next_state <= write_state;
                 when "1100" =>  -- jmp
  	              md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
                   left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	              right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                   alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				     addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- idle address
  					  next_state <= jmp_state;
                 when "1101" =>  -- jsr
  	              md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
                   left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	              right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                   alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				     addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- idle address
  					  next_state <= jsr_state;
  					when "1111" =>  -- stx
  	              md_ctrl    <= load_md;
                   left_ctrl  <= ix_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	              right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                   alu_ctrl   <= alu_st;       -- ALU opeartion
  				     addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- read effective address
  					  next_state <= write_state;
  					when others =>
  	              md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
                   left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	              right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                   alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				     addr_ctrl  <= read_addr;     -- read effective address
  					  next_state <= fetch_state;
  					end case;
  			    when others =>
  	            md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
                 left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	            right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
                 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				   addr_ctrl  <= read_addr;     -- read effective address
  				   next_state <= fetch_state;
               end case;

  			  -- EXECUTE:
  			  -- decode opcode
             -- to determine if output of the ALU is transfered to a register
  			  -- or if alu output is written back to memory
  			  -- if opcode = dual operand                 or
  			  --    opcode = single operand accum / ixreg or
  			  --    opcode = branch on bit                then
  			  --    goto fetch_state
  			  -- if opcode = single operand memory        or
  			  --    opcode = bit set / clear              or
  			  --    goto write_state
  			  when exec_state => -- execute alu operation
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;

               case op(7 downto 4) is
  				 when "0000" =>            -- branch set / clear
    	            ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  					right_ctrl <= bset_right;
  					alu_ctrl   <= alu_btst;
                 md_ctrl    <= load_md;
  					cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  				   next_state <= brbit_state;

   				 when "0001" =>            -- bit set / clear
    	            ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  				   case op(0) is
  					when '0' =>             -- bset
  					  left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bset_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ora;
                   md_ctrl    <= load_md;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;

  					when '1' =>             -- bclr
  					  left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_and;
                   md_ctrl    <= load_md;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;

  					when others =>
  					  left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  					  right_ctrl <= bclr_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
                   md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  					  cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  					end case;
  				   next_state <= write_state;

  				 when "0011" |            -- single op direct
  				      "0110" |            -- single op ix1
  				      "0111" =>           -- single op ix0
    	            ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  					left_ctrl  <= md_left;
                 md_ctrl    <= load_md;
  					cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  				   case op( 3 downto 0 ) is
  				   when "0000" =>            -- neg
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_neg;
  				   when "0011" =>            -- com
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_com;
  				   when "0100" =>            -- lsr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsr;
  				   when "0110" =>            -- ror
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_ror;
  				   when "0111" =>            -- asr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_asr;
  				   when "1000" =>            -- lsl
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_lsl;
  				   when "1001" =>            -- rol
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_rol;
  				   when "1010" =>            -- dec
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_dec;
  				   when "1011" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1100" =>            -- inc
  					  right_ctrl <= one_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_inc;
  				   when "1101" =>            -- tst
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_tst;
  				   when "1110" =>            -- undef
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				   when "1111" =>            -- clr
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_clr;
  					when others =>
  					  right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					  alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					end case;
  				   next_state <= write_state;

  			    when others =>
    	            ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  					cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	            ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	            sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
                 md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  					left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  					right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  					alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  					next_state <= fetch_state;
  			    end case;
  			  -- WRITE:
  			  -- write latched alu output to memory pointed to by ea register
  			  -- go to fetch state
  			  when write_state => -- write alu output to memory
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  			    cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
               md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  			    left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  			    right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  				 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= write_addr;
  			    data_ctrl  <= md_data;        -- select latched alu output to data bus
  			    next_state <= fetch_state;
  			  -- BRBIT
  			  -- Branch on condition of bit
  			  -- fetch the address offset
  			  -- advance the pc
             -- evaluate the carry bit to determine if we take the branch
  			  -- Carry = 0 if tested bit set
  			  -- Carry = 1 if tested bit clear
  			  -- op(0) = 0 if BRSET
  			  -- op(0) = 1 if BRCLR
  			  -- if carry = '1'
  			  --   goto branch state
  			  -- else
  			  --   goto execute state
  			  when brbit_state => -- fetch address offset
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  			    cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
  				 ea_ctrl    <= fetch_first_ea;
               md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
  				 pc_ctrl    <= inc_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  			    left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  			    right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  				 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= fetch_addr;
  			    data_ctrl  <= md_data;        -- select latched alu output to data bus
  			    if (cc(CFLAG) xor op(0)) = '0' then -- check this ... I think it's right
  			      next_state <= branch_state;
  				   next_state <= fetch_state;
  				 end if;

  			  -- BRANCH:
  			  -- take conditional branch
  			  -- branch (pc relative addressing)
             -- add effective address (ea register) to pc
             -- go to "fetch" state
  			  when branch_state => -- calculate branch address
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= bra_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- idle address bus
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;       -- read memory data
  	          next_state <= fetch_state;
  			  -- jump to subroutine
  			  when bsr_state =>     -- calculate effective jump address
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= addpc_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;
  			    next_state <= jsr_state;

  			  when jsr_state =>     -- store pc low / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;     -- write stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;    -- write PC low
  			    next_state <= jsr1_state;

  			  when jsr1_state =>    -- store pc high / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;     -- write stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;    -- write PC high
  			    next_state <= jmp_state;
  			  -- jump to address
  			  when jmp_state =>     -- load pc with effective address
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= jmp_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion (do nothing)
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;     -- idle address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;    -- 
  			    next_state <= fetch_state;
  			  -- return from subroutine
  			  when rts_state => -- increment stack pointer
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;
  			    next_state <= rts_pch_state;

  			  when rts_pch_state => -- load pc high return address / increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_hi_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;
  			    next_state <= rts_pcl_state;

  			  when rts_pcl_state => -- load pc low return address
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_lo_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= fetch_state;

  			  -- return from interrupt
  			  when rti_state => -- increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= fetch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;
  			    next_state <= rti_cc_state;

  			  when rti_cc_state => -- read cc / increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= pull_cc;			-- read Condition codes
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;     -- read stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= cc_data;       -- output old CC
  			    next_state <= rti_ac_state;

  			  when rti_ac_state => -- read acc / increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= pull_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;     -- read stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= ac_data;       -- output Accumulator
  			    next_state <= rti_ix_state;

  			  when rti_ix_state => -- read ix / increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= pull_ix;		  -- read IX register
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;     -- read stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= ix_data;       -- output old ix register
  			    next_state <= rti_pch_state;

  			  when rti_pch_state => -- read pc hi / increment sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= inc_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_hi_pc;	   -- read PC high
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;		-- read stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;		-- output old PC high
  			    next_state <= rti_pcl_state;

  			  when rti_pcl_state => -- read pc lo
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_lo_pc;		-- read PC low
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= pull_addr;		-- read stack address
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;		-- output old PC Low
  			    next_state <= fetch_state;
  			  -- sofwtare interrupt (or any others interrupt state)
  			  when swi_state =>
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= swi_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;
  			    next_state <= int_state;

  			  -- any sort of interrupt
  			  when int_state =>  -- store pc low / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= int1_state;

  			  when int1_state => -- store pc hi / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;
  			    next_state <= int2_state;

             when int2_state => -- store ix / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= ix_data;
  				 next_state <= int3_state;

             when int3_state => -- store ac / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= ac_data;
  				 next_state <= int4_state;

             when int4_state => -- store cc / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU opeartion
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= cc_data;
  				 next_state <= int5_state;

             when int5_state => -- fetch pc hi = int vector hi
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_hi_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_sei;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= vect_hi_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;
  				 next_state <= int6_state;

             when int6_state => -- fetch pc low = int vector low
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= load_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= pull_lo_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_sei;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= vect_lo_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  				 next_state <= fetch_state;
  			  -- stop the processor
  			  when stop_state =>
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= md_data;
  			    next_state <= stop_state;
  			  -- wait for interrupt
  			  when wait_state => -- push pclow / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_lo_data;
  			    next_state <= wait1_state;

  			  when wait1_state => -- push pchi / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= pc_hi_data;
  			    next_state <= wait2_state;

             when wait2_state => -- push ix / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= ix_data;
  				 next_state <= wait3_state;

             when wait3_state => -- push ac / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= ac_data;
  				 next_state <= wait4_state;

             when wait4_state => -- push cc / decrement sp
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  	          cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= dec_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
  	          md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
               left_ctrl  <= ac_left;       -- Left ALU input
  	          right_ctrl <= md_right;      -- Right ALU input
               alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;       -- ALU operation
  				 addr_ctrl  <= push_addr;
  	          data_ctrl  <= cc_data;
  				 next_state <= halt_state;
  			  -- halt cpu
    			  when halt_state => -- halt on halt
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  			    cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
               md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  			    left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  			    right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  				 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  			    data_ctrl  <= md_data;        -- select latched alu output to data bus
  			    next_state <= halt_state;
  			  -- undefined instruction
    			  when others => -- halt on undefine states
    	          ac_ctrl    <= latch_ac;
  			    cc_ctrl    <= latch_cc;
  	          ix_ctrl    <= latch_ix;
  	          sp_ctrl    <= latch_sp;
               ea_ctrl    <= latch_ea;
               md_ctrl    <= latch_md;
   				 pc_ctrl    <= latch_pc;
               op_ctrl    <= latch_op;
  	          iv_ctrl    <= latch_iv;
  			    left_ctrl  <= md_left;
  			    right_ctrl <= zero_right;
  				 alu_ctrl   <= alu_nop;
  				 addr_ctrl  <= idle_addr;
  			    data_ctrl  <= md_data;        -- select latched alu output to data bus
  			    next_state <= halt_state;

  		  end case;

  end process;
  -- state machine

  change_state: process( clk, rst, state )
    if rst = '1' then
   	 state <= reset_state;
    elsif clk'event and clk = '0' then
      state <= next_state;
    end if;
  end process;
  	-- output

  end CPU_ARCH;


What is SOC FPGA? Reference